Tuesday, 31 May 2016, 14:30-16:00 CEST

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Recording: AdobeConnect player


[14:30-14:45] Welcome, approval of the agenda and minutes of the previous meeting (for discussion and agreement) (Michael Lutz)

[14:45-15:15] Status registry federation testbed

[15:15-15:45] Presentation of the draft "Technical Guidelines & Best Practices for INSPIRE registers and registries" document

[15:45-16:00] AOB



Anders Foureaux (SE), Zoé Petty (FR), Christian Ansorge, Michael Noren (EEA), Lorena Hernandez, Daniele Francioli, Michael Lutz (JRC)

Welcome, approval of the agenda and minutes of the previous meeting

The agenda was approved as proposed.

The minutes of the minutes of the previous meeting were approved without comments.

Status registry federation testbed

Participants give some feedback on the experience they had when using the RoR.

ML invited other members of the sub-group to try out the RoR and provide further feedback.

Presentation of the draft "Technical Guidelines & Best Practices for INSPIRE registers and registries" document

A first draft document with the content, which is currently in the wiki, has been uploaded with the purpose of completing, updating and improving it to produce the final Technical Guidelines.

In the discussion, the following changes were suggested:

Once the document is more mature, it should be presented in a webinar MIWP6 + MIG-T 

Next web meeting