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2016 IACS Workshop

Baveno, Italy

23-25 May 2016



Session: Imagery provision

  • Status of the satellite data provision for the 2016 CwRS/LPIS QA Campaign
  • G4CAP web application updates and the Sentinel 2 alert module
  • VHR Satellite Image Acquisition – Cloud cover assessment, feasibility calculation and the influence of shorter windows

Session: OTSC guidance

  • OTSC guidance – MS guidance to the OTSC and area measurement
  • CTS – new Common Technical Specifications

Session: Quality Control aspects

  • QC procedures – Image provider’s internal QC routines with a focus on radiometry and preservation of image content
  • CwRS Quality Check methods summary

Session: ‘Anticipation’ on future data access and re-use

CzechAgri - Monitoring of agricultural crops using Sentinel imagery in the Czech Republic

Session: 2015 practices

  • Summary of the hot topics and the lessons learnt from the first year of implementation
  • A method for random and risk-selection for OTSC across first and second pillar
  • A method for OTSC on paths and unpaved roads
  • CwRS of greening by Very High Resolution aerial images in Cataluña

Session: LPIS Technical Guidance

  • Analysis of the LPIS QA 2015 results
  • LPIS QA 2016 updates: Overview of the new Model Test Suite (v2.0)
  • LPIS QA 2016 updates: Changes in the ETS 6.1
  • Some technical aspects in new technical guidance on LPIS update and management of layers

Session: LPIS methodologies

  • Consequences of LPIS updates on the recalculation of payment entitlements
  • Land use management in LPIS
  • Creation of a permanent grassland layer in The Netherlands
  • LPIS studies in Turkey

Session: Policy insights

  • Summary of simplifications
  • Illustrative cases
  • Session: Outlook on 2017
  • Semantic modelling of the landscape features subject to EFA with the Land Cover Meta Language (ISO 19144-2)

Session: IACS data capture

  • Mechanisms for the renewal in the LPIS of the pastures pro rata coefficient established in Spain.
  • The GSAA in Italy: possible application tools
  • Data capture during systematic Rapid Field Visits in Poland

Session: Data access and data re-use

  • Use of IACS data in the frame of LULUCF
  • Towards Copernicus Services for Agriculture
  • Copernicus Space Component data offer and distribution by ESA for the agriculture community
  • Statistics for IACS



WikiCAP: This page was last edited on 19 April 2022, at 17:54

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