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GAEC workshop 2014

CCAB, Brussels, Belgium

24-26 September


SESSION 1: New concepts, new rules

The CAP towards 2020: new concepts, new rules for direct payments

SESSION 2: Links between cross-compliance and EFA

  • The new GAEC framework
  • Analyzing GAEC requirements through the GAEC database
  • Links between landscape features under cross-compliance (GAEC) and EFA
  • Landscape Features in the context of GAEC and EFA
  • Cases, how Slovakia will include GAEC landscape features to EFA elements

SESSION 3: Building the EFA layer

  • Guidance document on EFA layer
  • The establishment of the EFA layer in Poland
  • EFA implementation in England - Progress and Challenges
  • Presentation on ways to digitize EFAs in a practical way

SESSION 4: The impact of the CAP-reform on LPIS

  • Guidance document on LPIS
  • Geo spatial application and pro-rata issues
  • The application of the pro rata system established in article 10 of Regulation 640/2014: An automatic approach
  • The new CAP reform and Croatian LPIS: challenge and solutions
  • Technical but practical presentation on how to elaborate these three topics: pro-rata grassland, LPIS upkeep

SESSION 5: 2015 On-the-spot checks guidelines and link with LPIS

  • Guidance document on On-The-Spot Checks and measurement for 2015
  • Imagery use and new On-The-Spot Checks provisions
  • LPIS QA image acquisition
  • Evolution of LPIS in Italy for EFA consolidation and controls



The conference website is no longer available 

WikiCAP: This page was last edited on 14 April 2021, at 12:25

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