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20th MARS Conference: let us face a new CAP

Maritim Hotel, Dresden, Germany

19-20 November



  • Challenges to make the new CAP efficient
  • German perspectives on the new CAP

SESSION: The IACS Techniques

  • Current experience with the effectiveness of the IACS and main challenges for the future
  • Main aspects of the new IACS legislation
  • Overview of the JRC's tools and future challenges

SESSION: The On-The-Spot Checks

  • Performing OTS Checks and producing control report
  • Greening OTS checks using imagery
  • GIS based OTSC checks solution in Hesse
  • Unification of Agricultural Work Processes on Cloud Based Data Services

SESSION: The Imagery

  • Summary of the VHR image acquisition Campaign 2014, including ongoing benchmarking of new sensors to be used in 2015
  • Summary of the HR image acquisition Campaign 2014, including ongoing benchmarking of new sensors to be used in 2015
  • VHR/HR Specifications and Outlook for the 2015 campaign
  • Examining the potential of stereo image interpretation in Hungary: pt.1 and pt.2
  • Presentation on NG-LIO.NET

SESSION: LPIS and permanent EFA themes

  • Fully operational approach for automatic LPIS update
  • Creation and monitoring of a permanent pasture layer
  • Information management in LPIS

SESSION: EFA characterization and link with GAEC

  • Spatial distribution of land affected by the ‘greening’. Geostatistic tool and applications
  • EFA elements and GAEC follow up
  • Ecological Characterisation of EFA elements

SESSION: Geospatial aid applications

  • The aim of the Geospatial aid applications (DG AGRI)
  • Methodological aspects of the Geospatial application
  • PAC on Web (the Wallonian Geospatial application system)


The conference website is no more available 

WikiCAP: This page was last edited on 20 August 2021, at 12:23

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