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Workshop “Control of GAECs with remote sensing”

Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, Bonn, Germany

23-24 March 2006


First session “cross-compliance-controls with remote sensing (GAECs; FFH-Directive; wild-bird-Directive; maintenance of land under permanent pasture) – possibilities and limits

  • RSC-2005 in DE included control single payment scheme, 2nd pillar and GAECs
  • Pilot project on cross-compliance in 2005
  • Control of Ban of Burning Stubbles by daily MODIS Satellite Images
  • Control of GAECs with RS
  • GAEC controls with Remote Sensing: possibilities and limits
  • Cross-compliance controls with remote sensing
  • Controllability of GAECs (Outcomes from 2005 – 2006 programme)
  • Implementation and control of the Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions within the CwRS programme  in Hungary

Second session „Reference-system (LPIS/GIS) – risk analysis IACS/Cross Compliance – selection of control zones: possibilities within an integrated system”

  • GAEC controls with Remote Sensing: Risk analysis for 2006 campaign in Italy
  • Control of GAECs with RS and use of GIS analysis – Czech experience
  • CAP ... and what's next?
  • Discussion of the presentations; exchange of experience

Session working groups

  • Continuation
  • Presentations of the results of the working groups one and two
  • Discussion/common conclusions of the plenary meeting

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