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2ND Workshop on the implementation and control of GAECs

Casa Don Guanella – Barza di Ispra, Italy

26-27 October 2005


Opening session 

  • Welcome  
  • Introduction to the workshop
  • Overview of EU legislation - GAECs in the reformed CAP

Session 1: Definition of GAECs

  • Overview on the definition of GAECs 
  • The CIFAS study & presentation of the data base on GAEC and SMR
  • Implementation of GAECs’ control in Italy
  • Implementation of GAEC in The Netherlands
  • Definition and implementation of GAECs in Ireland
  • Implementation of GAECs’ in England
  • Definition and implementation of GAECs in Greece
  • Implementation of GAEC in Lithuania
  • Definition of future GAECs in Romania

Session 2: Control of GAECs: with or without Remote Sensing?

  • Pilot and pre operational testing on controlling GAECs with RS
  • Implementation and control of GAECs in France
  • The methodology of GAEC controls and differences between 2004 and 2005 in Slovakia
  • The use of remote sensing as a support to the GAEC - controls in Germany - Practical experiences
  • The use of Remote Sensing for the control of GAECs in the frame of the SAGRIWATEL project (Belgium Wallonia)
  • Controlling GAEC in the 2005 CwRS campaign, the Hungarian example

Session 3: Exchange of data and access to IACS Databases

  • General considerations
  • Communication between authorities
  • The use of GIS to support GAECs controls in Czech Republic
  • Future use of the LPIS to support the Cross Compliance in Poland

Closing session

  • Round table - Discussion
  • Future prospects related to Cross Compliance
  • Synthesis and Conclusions

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