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GPS Workshop 2010

Agropolis, Montpellier, France

11-13 October 2010


SESSION 1: GPS validation

  • Introduction on topics of workshop
  • European GNSS programmes status - Applications for the CAP
  • Analysis of JRC test results
  • Synthesis on validation tests by MS
  • Validation tests in France
  • Validation tests in England

SESSION 2: GPS validation, certification & alternatives

  • Testing and Validation of GNSS Methods and Receivers for On-the-Spot Check in Poland
  • Steps to become accredited Lab


  • French organization for “on the spot checks”:remote-sensing, GPS, GIS software “Nomade”;articulation between accuracies
  • Optimizing the use of EGNOS with GPS SXBLUE
  • Wednesday, 13th October

SESSION 4: Area measurement in difficult conditions

  • Field-Map technology: Forestry oriented tool for measurement and mapping in difficult conditions
  • Collecting quality GPS data in a canopy environment
  • Combined methods for GNSS area measurements under tree canopies

SESSION 5: Field exercise data analysis

Statistical analysis according to ISO 5725 & results of field measurements



The workshop website is no more available

WikiCAP:  This page was last edited on 1 February 2021, at 16:27.

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