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7th Annual Conference on Control with Remote Sensing of Area-based Subsidies

Grand Hotel Dino, Baveno, Italy

22-23 November 2001


Opening address    

  • Opening address and welcome
  • Introduction

Session 1: Campaign review     

  • Summary Statistics of the 2001 campaign
  • Acquisition and delivery of satellite data in 2001

Session 2: Technical issues 

  • Quality control 2001
  • Implementation of specific rules in Control with Remote Sensing
  • Quality assessment of EROS A1 imagery
  • New issues in the 2002 campaign

Session 3: LPIS and parcel measurement  

  • LPIS overview in EU member states + candidate countries
  • LPIS updating in Finland
  • LPIS related GIS Implementation in Germany
  • New LPIS in the Czech Republic: chosen approach, main features and future plans.
  • Choices on LPIS implementation in France
  • Mobile surveying in control and LPIS updating 

Session 4: Posters and software demonstrations

Session 5: Efficiency of Control with Remote Sensing   

  • A multi-facetted  cost analysis of remote sensing controls
  • Additional RS controls in Ireland in reaction to Foot & Mouth disease
  • Recent developments in teledetection control in the Netherlands
  • Evaluation of efficiency of the use of optical and SAR data in the Belgian control system
  • Summary of the GPS workshop, results and follow up
  • Application of conformity rules and administrative follow up
  • Control of Rural Development Measures – Introducing the Commission Guidelines
  • Controlling rural development measures in Finland
  • Realisation of internet access to graphical and alphanumerical IACS data

Session 6: Technical advancements in Control with Remote Sensing     

  • SPOT 5, unique characteristics for Earth Observation applications
  • QuickBird: satellite overview and applications from the highest resolution data available
  • Space Imaging Eurasia: news on IKONOS supply
  • Agronomic applications of registration systems: a practical demonstration with the MARS Open Source modular system
  • eCognition: object oriented image analysis


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