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VHR - very high resolution imagery  - for area measurement

HHR - high high resolution imagery - for eligibility checks and crop identification

Best practices

  • WikiCAP: Orthoimage technical specifications for the purpose of LPIS, 2019: ortho4LPIS.pdf 657 kB
  • MARS website: Guidelines for Best Practice and Quality Checking of Ortho Imagery, v 3.0 2008  Orthoguidelines_v3_final.pdf 596.25 kB
  • MARS website: Guidelines for Best Practice and Quality Checking of Orthoimagery, v 2.6 2003 ortho_guidelines_2402.pdf 251.02 kB


*: pdf files reprocessed via MSWord to reduce file size which affected formatting and layout; search the JRC publications repository for the original

Technical reports

  • JRC publications repository: SPOT TrueSharp 4m 2021 jrc124413.pdf 5,763 kB
  • JRC publications repository: Sensitivity of the WorldView-2 satellite ortho image horizontal accuracy 2012 jrc66797_eur24973.pdf 1,850 kB
  • MARS website: Quality check of the accuracy of the WV-2, performed in the frame of the 2010 LPIS QA in Scotland   JRCPUBSY_68019.pdf 1.89 MB
  • JRC publications repository: Orthorectification Tests Continued... Formosat-2 Orthorectification 2008 JRC45688.pdf 888 kB


  • JRC publications repository: The End User license Agreement 2012 (note: pre-dates the GDPR which restricts distribution of control data): JRC_EULA_2012.pdf 645 kB
  • JRC publications repository: campaign 2009 summary_cwrs_2009.pdf 1,653 kB 
  • JRC publications repository: campaign 2008 summary_cwrs_2008.pdf 1,352 kB
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