For assessments, the Project code displays the project code of the application or report under assessment. The project code is hyperlinked in the Search results list in My Assessments, with the exception of cancelled assignments. Clicking on it will open the project assessment in a new tab on the Assessment Details screen, depending on your role and the assignment status either in edit or read-only mode. - For Application assessments, the project code is displayed as sent from the National Agencies project management system, for example 2022-1-CZ01-KA152-YOU-0000014584.
- For ESC50 - Quality label application assessments from call 2023 onward the project code ends with an indication on the quality role(s) requested (H and/or S or L), for example 2023-1-RO01-ESC50-QLA-000000004_H-S if the application is for the Host and Support role, or 2023-1-RO01-ESC50-QLA-000000005_L if the application is for the Lead role.
- For Final report assessments the project code ends with _FR and a number indicating the report version, for example 2021-1-BE01-KA122-VET-000016557-FR-01.
- For Accreditation Progress Report assessment the project code ends with _AR and a number indicating the report version, for example 2021-1-FR01-KA120-VET-000016557_AR-01.