Identifier type <expected by UDB> | National Trade register Value <expected by UDB> | |||||||||||||||||||||
Rank (always report first available applicable identifier) | Applicable to counterparties resident in | Country ISO code | Identifier name (in the relevant country, if applicable) | Short name (if applicable) | Description | Reporting format: description | illustrative example(s) | Applies to | Source (e.g.link to external website providing the list of identifiers) | |||||||||||||
AL_QKB_CD | X99999999X | 1 | Albania | AL | NUIS | Each business is assigned a Numri i Identifikimit për Personin e Tatueshëm (NIPT) aka a NUIS code | NUIS code which consists of two letters, one at the beginning and one at the end, and 8 numbers from 0 to 9 in the middle. | L39308501E | ||||||||||||||
AL_TIN_CD | X99999999X | 2 | Albania | AL | Tax Identification Number | TIN | 1 letter + 8 digits + 1 letter | |||||||||||||||
DZ_TIN_CD | AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA | 1 | Algeria | DZ | Tax Identification Number | TIN | 15 or 20 characters | Legal & Natural | https://cnrcinfo.cnrc.dz/ar/%D8%B1%D9%82%D9%85-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AA%D8%B9%D8%B1%D9%8A%D9%81-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B6%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A8%D9%8A/ | |||||||||||||
AD_NRT_CD | X999999X | 1 | Andorra | AD | Tax Register Number | NRT | the NRT is the Número d’Identificació Administrativa (Administrative Identification Number, NIA), | 1 Letter to identify natural person or entities + 6 digits + 1 control letter | A-123456-Z | https://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/crs-implementation-and-assistance/tax-identification-numbers/Andorra-TIN.pdf | ||||||||||||
AR_CUIT_CD | 99999999999 | 1 | Argentina | AR | Argentina Unique Tax Identification Key (CUIT/CUIL) | CUIT | Tax Identification Number | 11-digit number formatted as NN-NNNNNNNN-N (the first 2 digits indicate the type of person: 20 for men; 27 for women; 23, 24, 25 or 26 for both (in case there is an identical CUIT), and 30 or 33 for legal persons, the next 8 digits are: in the case of individuals, the ID (DNI) number; and in case of legal persons, it is assigned by the AFIP, the last digit is randomly assigned) | 30-71024269-7 | All entities subject to taxation | Website: https://www.cuitonline.com/ Third party resources:: OECD document: https://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/crs-implementation-and-assistance/tax-identification-numbers/TIN_Argentina.pdf | |||||||||||
AM_SRALE_CD | 9999999999 | 1 | Armenia | AM | State Register Agency of Legal Entities | SRALE | 10 digits | 16.110.00666 | ||||||||||||||
AU_ABN_CD | 99999999999 | 1 | Australia | AU | Australia Business Number | Business Registration Number | 2-digit + " " + 3-digit + " " + 3-digit + " " + 3-digit | 34 072 814 058 | Incorporated entities | Website: https://www.abr.gov.au/ https://abr.business.gov.au/Search/Advanced https://abr.business.gov.au/Help/AbnFormat Third party resources: OECD document: https://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/crs-implementation-and-assistance/tax-identification-numbers/Australia-TIN.pdf | ||||||||||||
AU_ACN_CD | 999999999 | 2 | Australia | AU | Australia Company Number | Business Registration Number | 3-digit + " " + 3-digit + " " + 3-digit | 150 217 299 | Incorporated entities | Website: https://asic.gov.au/ https://asic.gov.au/online-services/search-asic-s-registers/ https://connectonline.asic.gov.au/RegistrySearch/faces/landing/SearchRegisters.jspx?_adf.ctrl-state=10yzwonlb0_26 Third party resources: OECD document: https://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/crs-implementation-and-assistance/tax-identification-numbers/Australia-TIN.pdf | ||||||||||||
AU_ARN_CD | 999999999999 | 3 | Australia | AU | ATO Reference number | ARN | Australian Taxation Office Reference Number | 11 digits | 1E+12 | |||||||||||||
AT_FB_CD | 999999X ( Head : up to 7 characters) or 999999X999 (Branch : up to 10 characters) | 1 | Austria | AT | Firmenbuchnummer | FB-Nr. | National business register identifier | For head offices up to 7 characters: up to 6 digits + last character is a letter (not case sensitive); In case of registered branches: Up to 10 characters: up to 6 digits + 1 letter (not case sensitive) + up to 3 digits | 79063w (= Head) 79063w3 (=branch) | Incorporated entities | Issued by the Austrian business register: https://www.usp.gv.at/Portal.Node/usp/public/content/laufender_betrieb/firmenbuch/firmenbuchabfrage/Seite.760006.html | |||||||||||
AT_KUR_CD | AAAAAAAA (alpha numeric) | 2 | Austria | AT | business registration number (KUR) | KUR | Kennzahl Unternehmensregister / Kennziffer im Unternehmensregister | xxxxxxxxx | legal entity under public law | |||||||||||||
AT_VAT_CD | ATU99999999 | 3 | Austria | AT | European VAT number | VAT | European VAT number | 9 characters, the first character is always a ‘U’ | ATU12345678 | |||||||||||||
AZ_TIN_CD | 999999999 | 1 | Azerbaijan | AZ | Tax Identification Number | TIN | 9 digit | Legal | https://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/crs-implementation-and-assistance/tax-identification-numbers/Azerbaijan-TIN.pdf | |||||||||||||
BH_CRN_CD | 9999999 | 1 | Bahrain | BH | Commercial registration number | CRN | 7 digit code | Legal | https://www.bahrain.bh/new/en/business-cr_en.html | |||||||||||||
BD_BIN_CD | 9999999999999 | 1 | Bangladesh | BD | Business Identification number | BIN | 13 digit | Legal | https://nbr.gov.bd/taxtypes/vat-compliance-guides/details/6/eng | |||||||||||||
BY_TAN_CD | 999999999 or XX999999999 | 1 | Belarus | BY | Taxpayer Account number | TAN | UNP 200988541 is a legal entity from the Brest region. UNP MA1953684 - an individual from the Mogilev region. | Legal & Natural | ||||||||||||||
BE_OND_CD | 9999999999 | 1 | Belgium | BE | Numéro d'entreprise / Ondernemingsnummer / Unternehmensnummer | Unique identification number assigned to all legal entities, institutional units and self-employed persons in Belgium which is used to identify them for all possible transactions, applications, administrative formalities (including taxation), exchanges of information among administration units, ... | 10-digit number (last 2 digits are a check number) | 0203201340 | All legal entities, institutional units and self-employed persons in Belgium | http://kbopub.economie.fgov.be/kbopub/zoeknummerform.html?lang=en | ||||||||||||
BE_VAT_CD | BE0999999999 | 2 | Belgium | BE | European VAT number | VAT | European VAT number | Prefix with zero ‘0’ if the customer provides a 9 digit VAT number | BE0123456789 | |||||||||||||
BZ_TIN_CD | 999999 | 1 | Belize | BZ | Tax Identification Number | TIN | 6 digits | Legal & Natural | ||||||||||||||
BJ_IFU_CD | 9999999999999 | 1 | Benin | BJ | Identifiant Fiscal Unique | IFU | 13 digit | Legal | https://www.gouv.bj/download/158/tout-savoir-benin-jeudi-service-public.pdf | |||||||||||||
BO_NIT_CD | 999999999 9999999999 or | 1 | Bolivia | BO | Número de Identificación Tributaria | NIT | 9,10 or 12 digit | Legal & Natural | ||||||||||||||
BA_TIN_CD | 9999 or 99999 or 999999 or 9999999 or 9999999999 or 999999999999 or 9999999999999 | 1 | Bosnia & Herzegovina | BA | Tax Identification Number | TIN | 12/ 13 digits for individuals 4/5/6/7/10/12/13 digits for entities | 12-34-5678-90 1-2345-6 1-123 1-1234 1-12345 123456789012 1234567890123 | ||||||||||||||
BR_CNPJ_CD | 99999999999999 | 1 | Brazil | BR | Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica | CNPJ | Identification number | 14-digit number formatted as NN.NNN.NNN/AAAA-CC (the first 8 digits identify the company, the 4 digits after the / identify the branch or subsidiary, the last 2 are check digits) | 21.325.097/2156-88 | All entities (including companies, partnerships and foundations) of relevance for the tax administration. | OECD document: http://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/crs-implementation-and-assistance/tax-identification-numbers/Brazil-TIN.pdf Brazilian govt website: http://idg.receita.fazenda.gov.br/contato/fale-conosco/empresa/cnpj/cnpj-cadastro-nacional-de-pessoa-juridica | |||||||||||
BR_CPF_CD | 99999999999 | 2 | Brazil | BR | Brazilian CPF number | CPF | Brazilian CPF number | 123.456.789-87 | ||||||||||||||
BG_BULSTAT_CD | 999999999 or 9999999999 or 9999999999999 (branch) | 1 | Bulgaria | BG | Единен идентификационен код (по БУЛСТАТ) | ЕИК по БУЛСТАТ | BULSTAT register number | 9-digit or 10-digit number or (for a branch) 13-digit number | 999999999, 9999999999, 9999999999999 (branch) | According to art. 3 (1) of the BULSTAT Register Act branches and subsidiaries of legal persons who are not traders as well as commercial representative offices of foreign persons under Art. 24 of the Investment Promotion Act are entered and are assigned with BULSTAT UIC. For example: Central and Local Government units, SSFs, NFCs (partnerships without independent legal status), NPISH, IFs, sole proprietors (individuals, exercising free lance profession or craft activity), etc. | http://reports.bulstat.bg:8081/bulstat-ireports/report.jsf?x_rpt=rpt1 | |||||||||||
BG_UIC_CD | 999999999 or 9999999999999 (branch) | 2 | Bulgaria | BG | Единен (Персонален) идентификационен код | ЕИК | Unified Identification Code (Commercial register code) | 9-digit number or (for a branch) 13-digit number | 999999999, 9999999999999 (branch) | According to art. 23 (1) of the Commercial Register Act, the Registry agency shall determine UIC, obligatory for the traders and their branches, as well as for the branches of the foreign traders entered in the commercial register. For example: Credit instutions, Other financial intermediaries (FVCs, Leasing companies, Companies, engaged in lending, Credit union cooperatives and others), Financial auxiliaries (Payment system relative institutions, Bulgarian Stock exchange, Insurance brokers and others), ICPFs, NFCs, sole proprietors, etc. | https://public.brra.bg/CheckUps/Verifications/VerificationPersonOrg.ra | |||||||||||
BG_VAT_CD | BG999999999 or BG9999999999 | 3 | Bulgaria | BG | European VAT number | VAT | European VAT number | The Bulgarian VAT ID consisted of 12 digits (BG + 10 digits) for these individuals and is now replaced by an 11 digit VAT ID (BG + 9 digits). The VAT IDs to be replaced will have an end date of 03-01-2022. The new VAT IDs have a start date of 04-01-2022. | BG0123456789 BG012345678 | |||||||||||||
BF_TIN_CD | 1 | Burkina Faso | BF | |||||||||||||||||||
KH_RN_CD | 99999999 | 1 | Cambodia | KH | Registration Number | RNE | 8 digit | Legal | ||||||||||||||
KH_TIN_CD | X009999999999 | 2 | Cambodia | KH | Tax Identification Number | TIN | 1 character followed by 009-999999999 | Legal & Natural | ||||||||||||||
CA_BN_CD | 999999999 | 1 | Canada | CA | Business Number / Federal Tax ID | Tax code | 9-digit number | 167251986 | You only need a BN if you need one or more program accounts. In most cases, you register for a program account to participate in a program. You may need to participate in a program to meet your tax obligations. The most common program accounts a business will need are GST/HST, payroll deductions, corporation income tax, and import-export. | OECD document: http://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/crs-implementation-and-assistance/tax-identification-numbers/Canada-TIN.pdf Govt website: http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/bn/ | ||||||||||||
CA_GST_CD | 999999999XX9999 | 2 | Canada | CA | Canadian GST/HST number | GST | 15 characters | 123456789RT0002 | ||||||||||||||
CA_PSTBC_CD | XXX99999999 | 3 | Canada | CA | Canadian PST number (British Columbia) | PST | 11 characters | PST-1234-5678 | ||||||||||||||
CA_PSTMB_CD | 9999999 | 4 | Canada | CA | Canadian PST number (Manitoba) | PST | 7-digit number | 123456-7 | ||||||||||||||
CA_PSTSK_CD | 9999999 | 5 | Canada | CA | Canadian PST number (Saskatchewan) | PST | 7-digit number | 1234567 | ||||||||||||||
CA_QST_CD | 9999999999XX9999 | 6 | Canada | CA | Canadian QST number (Québec) | QST | 16 characters | 1234567890TQ1234 | ||||||||||||||
CL_RUT_CD | 99999999 or 999999999 | 1 | Chile | CL | Rol Único Tributario | RUT | A RUT has 7 or 8 digits, plus a check digit. | Legal & Natural | ||||||||||||||
CL_TIN_CD | 999999999XX | 2 | Chile | CL | Chilean TIN | TIN | 16 characters | 12.345.678-K | ||||||||||||||
CN_CC_CD | 999999999999999999 or 99999999XX999999XX | 1 | China | CN | Credibility Code, or USCN code | Tax identification number | 18-character string with letters and numbers (it could be only digits) | 1,67252E+17 | All businesses | |||||||||||||
CO_RUES_CD | 999999999 or 9999999999 | 1 | Colombia | CO | The Unified Commercial and Social Registry (RUES) | RUES | The Unified Commercial and Social Registry (RUES) integrates multiple commercial registries, including the NIT (Número de Identificación Tributaria) which can be used as the unique identifier. | 9 or 10 digits | https://taxid.pro/docs/countries/colombia | |||||||||||||
CD_BRN_CD | XXXXXXXXX99X9999 or XXXXXXXXX99X99999 or XXXXXXXXX99X999999 | 1 | Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) | CD | Business Entity Registration Number | BRN | Registre de Commerce et Credit Mobillier | ISO code, followed by region, followed by RCCM, followed by 2 digits-1 alphabet-4 to 6 digits | CD/KNG/RCCM/00-A-1234 | |||||||||||||
CG_BRN_CD | XXXXX999999X9999999 | 1 | Congo (the) | CG | Business Registration Number | BRN | CGPN R999 999X 9999 999 | |||||||||||||||
CR_TIN_CD | 999999999 or 9999999999 or 99999999999 or 999999999999 | 1 | Costa Rica | CR | Tax Identification Number | TIN | According to article 22 of Regulation of Tax Procedures, any natural, legal and individual entities without legal personality that develop a lucrative economic activity must register to the Tax Administration. The mentioned registration process with the Tax Administration is performed through: - Physical identification number, in the case of domestic natural persons. - Corporate identification number, in case of legal persons. - In the case of foreign natural persons, registration is done with the “Immigration Identification Document for Foreigners”, called DIMEX. This document is issued by the General Directorate of Immigration. - In the case of individual entities without legal personality or foreign natural persons without DIMEX, the Tax Administration gives a “Special tax identification number”, called NITE. | up to 12 digits | X – XXXX – XXXX or X – XXX – XXXXXX or XXXXXXXXXXX or XXXXXXXXXXXX | Legal & Natural | https://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/crs-implementation-and-assistance/tax-identification-numbers/Costa-Rica-TIN.pdf | |||||||||||
HR_MBS_CD | 099999999 or 199999999 | 1 | Croatia | HR | Matični broj subjekta trgovačkog suda | MBS | Trade register number | 9-digit number; first digit always 0 or 1 | 80020970 | All entities registered in the trade register | https://sudreg.pravosudje.hr/registar/ | |||||||||||
HR_VAT_CD | HR99999999999 | 2 | Croatia | HR | European VAT number | VAT | European VAT number | 11 characters | HR12345678912 | |||||||||||||
CY_DRCOR_CD | X99999999 (capital C, O, or P, followed by a number up to 8 digits) | 1 | Cyprus | CY | Αριθμός Εγγραφής στο Τμήμα Εφόρου Εταιρειών και Επίσημου Παραλήπτη | ΑΡ. ΕΓΓΡΑΦΗΣ | Registration number given by the Department of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver | Capital C, O, or P, followed by a number from 1 up to 8 digits. | C273730 | All legal entities registered in the official companies registrar | https://efiling.drcor.mcit.gov.cy/DrcorPublic/SearchForm.aspx?sc=0&cultureInfo=en-AU | |||||||||||
CY_VAT_CD | CY99999999X | 2 | Cyprus | CY | European VAT number | VAT | European VAT number | 9 digits, last character is always a letter | CY12345678Z | |||||||||||||
CZ_ICO_CD | 99999999 | 1 | Czech Republic | CZ | Identifikační číslo osoby | ICO | CZ Business register code | 8-digit number; in case the number has less than 8 digits, it should be completed by zeros placed at the beginning. Letters or special characters are not allowed | 6947 | All legal entities | In the Czech Republic, there are two possible sources: Business Register:https://or.justice.cz/ias/ui/rejstrik Register provided by Czech Statistical office: http://apl.czso.cz/irsw/ | |||||||||||
CZ_VAT_CD | CZ99999999 or CZ999999999 or CZ9999999999 | 2 | Czech Republic | CZ | European VAT number | VAT | European VAT number | Eight digits or Nine digits or Ten digits (If more than 10 characters are provided delete the first 3) | CZ 12345678 or CZ 123456789 or CZ 1234567890 | https://adisspr.mfcr.cz/cgi-bin/adis/idph/int_dp_prij.cgi?ZPRAC=FDPHI1&poc_dic=2 | ||||||||||||
DK_CVR_CD | 99999999 | 1 | Denmark | DK | CVR-nummer | ID used for identification of legal entities in the Danish Central business register. | 8-digit number | 22756214 | All legal entities, incl. sole proprietors and government entities (S.11, S.12, S.13, S.141 and S.15) | www.cvr.dk | ||||||||||||
DK_VAT_CD | DK99999999 | 2 | Denmark | DK | European VAT number | VAT | European VAT number | 8 digits | DK12345678 | |||||||||||||
DO_RNC_CD | 999999999 or 99999999999 | 1 | Dominion Republic | DO | Registro Nacional de Contribuyents | RNC | Legal People: 11 digits without hyphen. Format for printing on receipts: 3 digits, 1 dash, 7 digits, 1 dash, 1 check sum digit like 031-0313993-2 Companies: 9 digits without hyphen. First digit must be (1, 4, 5), format for printing on receipts: 1 digit, 1 dash, 2 digits, 1 dash, 5 digits, 1 dash, 1 check sum digit like 1-30-00245-8 | 11 or 9 digits | Legal & Natural | |||||||||||||
EC_RUC_CD | 9999999999999 | 1 | Ecuador | EC | Unique Taxpayer identifier | RUC | To carry out economic activity in Ecuador, an organisation must have a unique taxpayer identifier (RUC). Both individuals and organisations may hold a taxpayer identifier. | 13 digit | 1,79003E+12 | Legal & Natural | ||||||||||||
EG_TIN_CD | 999999999 | 1 | Egypt | EG | Tax registration number | TIN | 9 digit code | XXX-XXX-XXX | ||||||||||||||
EE_RG_CD | 99999999 | 1 | Estonia | EE | Äriregistri kood | rg-kood | Commercial registry code for state and local government agencies, NFCs, ICs, Investment Funds Founded as Public Limited Company, OFIs (Fund Management Companies, Leasing Companies etc) and non-profit institutions serving households. | 8-digit number | 10005211 | State and local government agencies, NFCs, ICs, Investment Funds Founded as Public Limited Company, OFIs (Fund Management Companies, Leasing Companies etc) and non-profit institutions serving households. | https://ariregister.rik.ee/ | |||||||||||
EE_VAT_CD | EE999999999 | 2 | Estonia | EE | European VAT number | VAT | European VAT number | 9 digits | EE123456789 | |||||||||||||
ET_TIN_CD | 9999999999 | 1 | Ethiopia | ET | Tax Identification Number | 10 Digit | ||||||||||||||||
FI_Y_CD | 99999999 | 1 | Finland | FI | Yritys- ja yhteisötunnus / Y-tunnus | Y-tunnus | The Business ID (Business Identity Code) is a code given to businesses and organisations by the PRH (Finnish Patent and Registration Office) or the Tax Administration. | 8-digit number; last digit can be preceded by a "-" (optional) | 01120389, 0112038-9 | All entities | https://tietopalvelu.ytj.fi/yrityshaku.aspx?kielikoodi=3 | |||||||||||
FI_VAT_CD | FI99999999 | 2 | Finland | FI | European VAT number | VAT | European VAT number | 8 digits | FI12345678 | |||||||||||||
FR_SIREN_CD | 999999999 | 1 | France | FR | Code SIREN | SIREN | Identification number assigned by INSEE to every company with activities in French territory. It can be checked with an algorithm. The SIREN number is also part of the intracommunity VAT code which is composed of: FR (for France) + 99 (a validation key, calculated with an algorithm) + 9-digit SIREN Code | 9-digit number | 542051180 | All legal entities who are moral persons in France and sole proprietorship. The latter are only physical persons in France and not covered by the AnaCredit reporting. | https://www.sirene.fr/sirene/public/accueil | |||||||||||
FR_VAT_CD | FR99999999999 or FRX9999999999 or FR9X999999999 or FRXX999999999 | 2 | France | FR | European VAT number | VAT | European VAT number | Eleven digits or Ten digits and one letter or Nine digits and two letters (May include 1 or 2 letters :- either FIRST, SECOND or FIRST & SECOND. All letters except O and I are valid.) | FR 12345678901 or FR X2345678901 or
| |||||||||||||
GA_TIN_CD | Gabon | GA | Tax Identification Number | |||||||||||||||||||
GE_IC_CD | 999999999 | 1 | Georgia | GE | Identification code | IC | 9 digit | 233105449 | ||||||||||||||
GE_VAT_CD | 999999999 | 2 | Georgia | GE | Georgian VAT | VAT | Georgian VAT | 9 digit | 123456789 | |||||||||||||
DE_TRD_RGSTR_CD | GnR999999XXXXXX9999 or HRA99999X9999 (the structure contains three parts: 1. G(n|N)R) or HRA or HRB or PR or VR 2. 1-6 digits plus 0-5 capital letters 3. 1 capital letter plus 4 digits) | 1 | Germany | DE | `- Genossenschaftsregister, - Handelsregister Abteilung A, - Handelsregister Abteilung B, - Partnerschaftsregister, - Vereinsregister | GnR, HRA, HRB, PR, VR | `- Cooperative register number - Register number for cooperatives, - Trade register number A - Trade register number for specific business partnerships ("Personenhandelsgesellschaften"), - Trade register number B - Trade register number for capital companies, - Partnership register number - Register number for partnerships, - Association register number - Register number for associations | Length can vary, but structure is fixed: (G(n|N)R)|(HRA)|(HRB)|(PR)|(VR)[RegisterNummer(1 - 6 numerical digits plus 0-5 capital letters)]-[XJustiz-ID-Code] | GnR3034LA-D4102 or GNR3034LA-D4102, HRA100484-K1101, HRB1234UE-R1101, PR2359-Y1101, VR350378-M1305 | `- (G(n|N)R) legal form DE301 - HRA legal forms DE102, DE103, DE108, DE110, DE211, DE104 and DE502 - HRB legal forms DE109, DE210, DE202, DE205, DE206, DE207, DE401 and EU100 if country=DE - PR legal form DE105 - VR legal form DE602 | https://www.handelsregister.de/rp_web/welcome.do | |||||||||||
DE_VAT_CD | DE999999999 | 2 | Germany | DE | European VAT number | VAT | European VAT number | 9 digits | DE123456789 | |||||||||||||
DE_TIN_CD | 9999999999999 | 3 | Germany | DE | Tax identification number | The tax identification number is issued by the Federal Central Tax Office (BZSt) for natural persons. | Tax identification number usually have only digits (10 to 13 digits, depending on the federal state). In many cases, slashes are also included, such as 012/345/6789. | 012/345/6789 | VAT Identification Number | Munich Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ihk-muenchen.de) | |||||||||||||
DE_IACS_CD | 9999999999999 | 5 | EU-wide IACS-number | DE | EU-wide IACS-number | IACS-number |
| 13 digits |
| https://www4.zi-daten.de/ZidTest2/hilfe/testzugang.html | ||||||||||||
GH_TIN_CD | X9999999999 or XXX999999999999 | 1 | Ghana | GH | Tax Identification Number | TIN | The GRA TIN is an 11-digit alpha-numeric number From 1st April, 2021 the 15- character Ghanacard Personal Identification Number, (Ghanacard PIN) issued by the National Identification Authority (NIA), became the TIN for individuals who are eligible for the Ghana card. | P0012345678 or GHA-123456789-1 | Legal & Natural | https://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/crs-implementation-and-assistance/tax-identification-numbers/Ghana-TIN.pdf | ||||||||||||
GI_IN_CD | 999999 | 1 | Gibraltar | GI | Incorporation Number | IN | 6 digits | |||||||||||||||
GR_AFM_CD | 999999999 | 1 | Greece | GR | Arithmós Forologikou Mitroou A-Fi-Mi Αριθμός Φορολογικού Μητρώου Α.Φ.Μ. | AFM | Tax Registration number | 9-digit number | 940498654 | All legal entities except for specific ship-owning companies, investment funds and a few other special cases. | ||||||||||||
GR_VAT_CD | EL999999999 | 2 | Greece | GR | European VAT number | VAT | European VAT number | 9 digits | EL012345678 | |||||||||||||
GT_NIT_CD | 99999999 | 1 | Guatemala | GT | The Número de Identificación Tributaria | NIT | 8 digits | 7555605-7 | ||||||||||||||
GG_TIN_CD | XX999999 or 999999 | 1 | Guernsey | GG | Tax Identification Number | TIN | 6 digits | GY999999 or 999999 | Legal & Natural | |||||||||||||
HN_RTN_CD | 99999999999999 | 1 | Honduras | HN | Registro Tributario Nacional Numérico | RTN | 14 digits | |||||||||||||||
HK_CR_CD | 9999999 or X9999999 | 1 | Hong Kong | HK | Corporate Registry Number | CR-No. | Corporate Registry Number | 7-digit number or 1 upercase letter + 7-digit number | 2153177 or F0002646 | Entities | https://www.icris.cr.gov.hk/csci/ | |||||||||||
HK_BRN_CD | 99999999 | 2 | Hong Kong | HK | Hong Kong BR number | BRN | Hong Kong BR number | 8 digit | 12345678 | https://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/crs-implementation-and-assistance/tax-identification-numbers/Hong-Kong-TIN.pdf | ||||||||||||
HK_BR_CD | XX99999999A or X99999999A | 3 | Hong Kong | HK | Business register | BR | 10 or 11 characters | |||||||||||||||
HU_CEG_CD | 9999999999 | 1 | Hungary | HU | Cégjegyzékszám | Trade register number | 2-digit number + "-" + 2-digit number + "-" + 6-digit number | 01-17-000705 | Any entity which, under Hungarian law, can acquire legal rights and obligations; excluding in particular natural persons not conducting business | https://www.e-cegjegyzek.hu/ | ||||||||||||
HU_VAT_CD | HU99999999 | 2 | Hungary | HU | European VAT number | VAT | European VAT number | 8 digits | HU12345678 | |||||||||||||
HU_TIN_CD | 9999999999 or 99999999999 | 3 | Hungary | HU | Hungary tax number (adószám) | TIN | Hungary tax number (adószám) | 10 or 11 digits | 12345678-1-23 | TIN for individuals: 9999999999 1 block of 10 digits, where: TIN for entities and certain individuals form: xxxxxxxx-y-zz.
| ||||||||||||
IS_TIN_CD | 9999999999 | 1 | Iceland | IS | Icelandic Identification Number | TIN | 10 digits | https://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/crs-implementation-and-assistance/tax-identification-numbers/Iceland-TIN.pdf | ||||||||||||||
IS_VAT_CD | 999999 | 2 | Iceland | IS | Icelandic VAT | VAT | Icelandic VAT | 6 digits | 123456 | |||||||||||||
IN_CIN_CD | X99999XX9999XXX999999 (21-character string with letters and numbers) | 1 | India | IN | Corporate identity number | CIN | Identification number | 21-character string with letters and numbers | L28920MH1945PLC004520 | Legal entities | https://www.lopol.org/article/corporate-identification-number-or-company-cin-no-in-india Search tool: http://www.mca.gov.in/mcafoportal/checkCompanyName.do | |||||||||||
IN_GST_CD | 99XXXXX9999XXXX | 2 | India | IN | Indian GST number | GST | Indian GST number | 15 characters | 12ABCDE3456FGZH | |||||||||||||
ID_NIB_CD | 9999999999999 | 1 | Indonesia | ID | Nomor Induk Berusaha | NIB | A Business Identification Number or Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB) is a number required to start a business in Indonesia. NIB is issued by the OSS system managed by the Ministry of Investment/Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) | 13 digit | ||||||||||||||
ID_NPWP_CD | 999999999999999 or 9999999999999999 | 2 | Indonesia | ID | Indonesian NPWP number Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak | NPWP | The Tax Identification Number (TIN) is known in Indonesia as Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP) and is issued by the Directorate General of Taxes to individuals and entities | The 16-digit NPWP is the individual taxpayer’s national identity number (Nomor Induk Kependudukan/NIK) issued by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. ▪ The previous 15-digit NPWP format is valid until 31 December 2023. | 12.345.678.9-012.345 | https://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/crs-implementation-and-assistance/tax-identification-numbers/Indonesia-TIN.pdf | ||||||||||||
IR_BRN_CD | 999999(a two to six digits) | 1 | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | IR | Business Registration Number | BRN | a two to six digits | |||||||||||||||
IR_VAT_CD | IR99999999999999 | 2 | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | IR | VAT number | VAT | VAT number | typically "IR" followed by 14 digits | ||||||||||||||
IQ_CRO_CD | 999999 or 9999999 | 1 | Iraq | IQ | Company Registration Office number | CRO | Company registration number | Up to 7-digit number | ||||||||||||||
IE_CRO_CD | 9999999 (up to 7-digit number) | 1 | Ireland | IE | Company Registration Office number | CRO number | Company registration number | Up to 7-digit number, cannot start with zero | 900488 | All registered companies | www.cro.ie | |||||||||||
IE_VAT_CD | IE9999999X or IE9X99999X or IE9999999XX | 2 | Ireland | IE | European VAT number | VAT | European VAT number | 7 digits and 1 letter or 6 digits and 2 letters (Includes 1 or 2 letters :-Either LAST or SECOND & LAST) | IE 1234567X IE 1X34567X | |||||||||||||
IE_UTR_CD | 9999999999 | 3 | Ireland | IE | Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) number | UTR | A Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) number is a unique identifier used by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) | 10 digits | ||||||||||||||
IL_CN_CD | 999999999 | 1 | Israel | IL | Company Number | CN | The company number is issued by Registrar of Companies | 9 digits | Legal entities | |||||||||||||
IL_VAT_CD | 99999 | 2 | Israel | IL | Israel VAT | VAT | Israel VAT | 5 digits | 12345 | |||||||||||||
IM_CRN_CD | 999999X | 1 | Isle of Man | IM | Company Registration Number | CRN | If the company is a Manx Registered company and the tax reference number is not known, the Company Incorporation or Registration number can be used instead. | This consists of seven digits; six numbers followed by a letter – C,F,L. | https://services.gov.im/treasury/incometax/services/non-agent/help/serviceenrolment.xml#:~:text=Consists%20of%20a%20letter%20followed,by%20the%20Income%20Tax%20Division. | |||||||||||||
IM_TIN_CD | X99999999 | 2 | Isle of Man | IM | TIN | Consists of a letter followed by six numbers, a hyphen and then a further 2 numbers – e.g. C123456-78. | C123456-78 | https://services.gov.im/treasury/incometax/services/non-agent/help/serviceenrolment.xml#:~:text=Consists%20of%20a%20letter%20followed,by%20the%20Income%20Tax%20Division. | ||||||||||||||
IT_CCIAA_CD | XX0999999 | 1 | Italy | IT | Numero d'iscrizione camerale | CCIAA+REA | Trade register number | 2 uppercase letters + 7-digt number; no blank/special characters allowed; in case of numbers with less than 7 digits leading zeros should be added. The first 2 letters refer to the code of the province where the counterparty is resident, the following digits represent the 'Trade register number' | NA0091712 | Corporations and quasi-corporations (financial and non-financial) registered in the Italian trade register | ||||||||||||
IT_VAT_CD | IT99999999999 | 2 | Italy | IT | European VAT number | VAT | European VAT number | 11 digits | IT12345678912 | |||||||||||||
CI_IDU_CD | XX9999XXXXXXXX | 1 | Ivory Coast | CI | Un Identifiant Unique | IDU | 14 characters | CI-2019-XXXXXXXX | Legal & Natural | www.idu.ci | ||||||||||||
JP_CN_CD | 9999999999999 | 1 | Japan | JP | Corporate Number | CN | Identification number | 13-digit number; first digit (check digit) cannot be 0 | 1,25143E+12 | All legal entities | OECD document: http://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/crs-implementation-and-assistance/tax-identification-numbers/Japan-TIN.pdf Japan gvt website: http://www.nta.go.jp/foreign_language/corporate_number/ | |||||||||||
JP_JCN_CD | 9999999999999 | 2 | Japan | JP | Japanese Corporate Number | JCN | 13 digit | |||||||||||||||
JP_TRN_CD | X9999999999999 | 3 | Japan | JP | Japanese Tax Registration Number (*Tōroku Bangō*) | TRN | Japanese Tax Registration Number (*Tōroku Bangō*) | 14 characters | T1234567891234 | |||||||||||||
JE_TIN_CD | XX99999 or XX9999999X | 1 | Jersey | JE | Taxpayer identification number | TIN | The taxpayer identification number for a Jersey resident individual will be the taxpayer's Jersey social security number. Social security numbers begin with two letters, usually JY, followed by six digits and a letter: A, B, C or D, for example, JY123456A. The taxpayer identification number for an entity will be the entity’s tax reference number, taking the format of two letters followed by up to five digits, for example CC00000. Tax reference numbers for companies will commence with the letter C, for partnerships with the letters D or E, and for other entities with the letter E. | 7 or 10 characters | Legal & Natural | https://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/crs-implementation-and-assistance/tax-identification-numbers/Jersey-TIN.pdf | ||||||||||||
JO_NN_CD | 999999999 | 1 | Jordan | JO | الخلوي/ National number of the establishment | NN | 9 digit | Legal | ||||||||||||||
JO_TIN_CD | 999999999999 | 2 | Jordan | JO | Taxpayer identification number | TIN | 12 digit | |||||||||||||||
KZ_BIN_CD | 999999999999 | 1 | Kazakhstan | KZ | Business Identification Number | BIN | business identification number - a unique number generated for a legal entity (a branch and a representative office) and an individual entrepreneur carrying out activities in the form of joint entrepreneurship; | 12 digit | https://adilet.zan.kz/eng/docs/Z070000223_ | |||||||||||||
KE_BRN_CD | XXX99999999 | 1 | Kenya | KE | Business registration number | BRN | 11 characters | CPR/2000/0000 | ||||||||||||||
KE_PIN_CD | X999999999X | 2 | Kenya | KE | Kenya Revenue Authority Personal Identification Number | PIN | 11 characters | P000111111A | ||||||||||||||
KR_BRN_CD | 9999999999 | 1 | Korea (Republic) | KR | Business registration number | BRN | 10 digits | XXX-XX-XXXXX | https://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/crs-implementation-and-assistance/tax-identification-numbers/Korea-TIN.pdf | |||||||||||||
KW_TIN_CD | 999999999999 | 1 | Kuwait | KW | Tax Identification Number | TIN | 12 digits | Legal & Natural | https://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/crs-implementation-and-assistance/tax-identification-numbers/Kuwait-TIN.pdf | |||||||||||||
KG_CRN_CD | 9999999999XXX | 1 | Kyrgyzstan | KG | Company Registration number | CRN | 10 digits and 3 letters | |||||||||||||||
KG_TIN_CD | 99999999999999 | 2 | Kyrgyzstan | KG | Tax Identification Number | TIN | 14 digits | |||||||||||||||
LV_NBR_CD | 99999999999 | 1 | Latvia | LV | Komersanta reģistrācijas numurs Latvijas Republikas Uzņēmumu reģistra komercreģistrā | NBR | A unique registration number is assigned by the Enterprise Register of The Republic of Latvia | 11-digit number | 40103681895 | All entities | http://www.lursoft.lv/en/data-bases-of-companies | |||||||||||
LV_VAT_CD | LV99999999999 | 2 | Latvia | LV | European VAT number | VAT | European VAT number | 11 digits | LV12345678912 | |||||||||||||
LB_CRN_CD | 99999999 (up to 8) | 1 | Lebanon | LB | Company Registration number | CRN | up to 8 digits | https://org-id.guide/list/LB-CR | ||||||||||||||
LR_BRN_CD | C999999 999999999 | 1 | Liberia | LR | Business registration number | BRN | 9 digits or C and 6 digits | |||||||||||||||
LR_TIN_CD | 999999999 | 2 | Liberia | LR | Tax Identification Number | 9 digits | ||||||||||||||||
LY_CRN_CD | XX99999 or X999999 | 1 | Libya | LY | Commercial Registration Number | CRN | Prior to 2013, the CR number consisted of a prefix followed by a sequence of digits. The prefix represented the city or region where the company was registered, and the digits indicated the unique identification number assigned to the company. For example, a CR number for a company registered in Tripoli could be "TL12345". Since 2013: the new format consists of a combination of letters and digits. The format is as follows:
| "TL12345" or T" for Tripoli, "B" for Benghazi, "M" for Misrata: "B153145" | ||||||||||||||
LI_UID_CD | XXX999999999 | 1 | Liechtenstein | LI | Liechtensteinian UID number | UID | 12 characters | CHE123456789 | ||||||||||||||
LT_JAR_CD | 999999999 | 1 | Lithuania | LT | Juridinių asmenų registro kodas | JAR kodas | Unique national business register identifier assigned to all legal entities registered in Lithuania | 9-digit number | 110486217 | All legal entities registered in Lithuania | Register is accessible: http://www.registrucentras.lt/jar/index_en.php | |||||||||||
or LT999999999999 | 2 | Lithuania | LT | European VAT number | VAT | European VAT number | 9 digits or 12 digits | LT123456789123 | |||||||||||||
LU_RCS_CD | X99999999 (1 letter plus number of variable length) | 1 | Luxembourg | LU | Numéro registre de commerce et des sociétés (RCS) | RCS | Trade and Companies Register number | 1 letter (A to Z) + number of variable length | B0030775, C126 | |||||||||||||
LU_VAT_CD | LU99999999 | 2 | Luxembourg | LU | European VAT number | VAT | European VAT number | 8 digits | LU12345678 | |||||||||||||
MO_TIN_CD | 99999999 | 1 | Macao | MO | Tax Identification Number | TIN | 8 digits | https://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/crs-implementation-and-assistance/tax-identification-numbers/Macao-TIN.pdf | ||||||||||||||
MK_EMBS_CD | 9999999 | 1 | Macedonia | MK | Edinstven maticen broj na subjektot | EMBS | Unique registration number of the subject | 7-digit number | 6899250 | The following are listed in the Trade Registry: sole proprietors, public trading companies, limited partnerships, limited liability companies, joint ventures, limited partnerships with shares, business associations and subsidiaries of foreign trading companies or foreign sole proprietors. | http://www.slvesnik.com.mk/Issues/0B7D0CE4EBCBAB4AAA21D9D1D96797D8.pdf | |||||||||||
MY_CRN_CD | 999999999999 | 1 | Malaysia | MY | Company Registration Number New | CRN | Registration Number(only Private Limited companies are registered under SSM (for West and East of Malaysia) . the Companies Commission of Malaysia – Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM). | 12-digit number or a 7 digit number with an alphabet (old one) | 2,02005E+11 | Incorporated entities | https://www.mydata-ssm.com.my/FAQ_12_Digit_(English).pdf | |||||||||||
MY_FRP_CD | 99999999 | 2 | Malaysia | MY | Malaysian FRP number | FRP | 8 digits | 12345678 | ||||||||||||||
MY_ITN_CDX9999999999 | XX999999999 or 3X99999999999 or MalaysiaXX9999999999 or | MY | Malaysian ITN | ITN | 11 characters | C 1234567890 | MY_SST_CD | X99999999999999 | 4 | XX99999999999 | 3 | Malaysia | MY | Malaysian SST ITN (Income tax number) | ITN | TIN Format for IndividualsThe current TIN format for Individuals begins with "IG." Previously, before 2nd January 2023, it started with "OG" or "SG." A 9–11-digit unique identifier follows the "IG" prefix. Example: IG845462070, IG57303584070 TIN Format for Companies and Non-IndividualsFor companies and other entities, the TIN starts with a specific alphabet code (one or two letter), indicating the nature of the entity, followed by a 10 or 11-digit unique number. Here are the respective characters representing different entity categories:
Update Effective 2nd January 2023: A "0" is added after every TIN number for non-individual entities to standardize the format. Example:
| 11 -13 characters | C 1234567890 | ||||
MY_SST_CD | X99999999999999 | 5 | Malaysia | MY | Malaysian SST number | SST | 15 characters | A12-3456-78912345 | SST | 15 characters | A12-3456-78912345 | MY_TIN_CD | X999999999999 | 5 | Malaysia | MY | Tax Identification Number | TIN | 13 characters | |||
MY_BNRN_CD | 99999 | 6 | Malaysia | MY | Business Name registration number | BNRN | Business Name registration number (Nombor pendaftaran nama perniagaan) In East Malaysia, the partnership and the sole proprietor company is registered under Inland Revenue, East Malaysia | 5 digits | ||||||||||||||
ML_NIF_CD | AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA | 1 | Mali | ML | Numero d'Identification Fiscale | NIF | 15 characters | |||||||||||||||
MT_CNUM_CD | AAAAAAAA | 1 | Malta | MT | MFSA Company Number Malta Business Registry company registration number | Company registration number assigned by the Malta Business Registry registrar of companies | no pre-defined format | C12345, CIS1, EEIG1, FO-15, LPA-1, LPF-31, OC100, OS1058/NT, P1035, PCOMM4, PFLP-100, PR5, SE10, SV93, X | All entities registered with the Malta Business Registry in the Register of Companies. | https://registry.mbr.mt/ | ||||||||||||
MT_VAT_CD | MT99999999 | 2 | Malta | MT | European VAT number | VAT | European VAT number | 8 digits | MT12345678 | |||||||||||||
MH_EIN_CD | 9999999 | 1 | Marshall Islands | MH | equivalent called “employee identification number” | EIN | Individuals: The Marshall islands do not issue TIN but use an equivalent called “employee identification number” that is issued by the MISSA (Marshall Islands Social Security Administration). It is also known as “SSN” (Social Security Number). Format: The employee identification number consists of 8 digits. The two first digits are always “04” (format: 04-999999). Entities: The Marshall islands do not issue TIN but use an equivalent called EIN (“employer identification number”) that is issued by the MISSA (Marshall Islands Social Security Administration). Format: The EIN consists of 7 digits. The two last digits are always “04” (format: 99999-04). | 7 digits | ||||||||||||||
MH_NBR_CD | 999999 (4-6 digits) | 2 | Marshall Islands | MH | Business register number | Number provided by International Registries inc on behalf of Marshall Islands Maritime and Corporate Registries to all corporates resident in Marshall Islands | 4 to 6-digit number | 8232, 53765, 478893 | All legal entities | https://resources.register-iri.com/CorpEntity/Corporate/Search | ||||||||||||
MQ_SIREN_CD | 999999999 | 1 | Martinique | MQ | Système d'identification du répertoire des entreprises | Système d'identification du répertoire des entreprises | 9 digits number | Professionel - Vous êtes - Les services de l'État en Martinique | ||||||||||||||
MX_RFC_CD | XXX999999XX9 (3 letters plus 6 digits plus 3-character string) | 1 | Mexico | MX | Clave en el Registro Federal de | RFC | Tax code | 3 letters + "-" + 6-digit number + "-" + 3-character string | GFI-920961-IL7 | All legal entities | OECD document: http://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/crs-implementation-and-assistance/tax-identification-numbers/Mexico-TIN.pdf Gov Website: http://www.sat.gob.mx/fichas_tematicas/programa_cumplimiento_voluntario/Paginas/guia_apoyo_inscribirse_rfc.aspx http://www.sat.gob.mx/Paginas/Inicio.aspx | |||||||||||
MD_IDNO_CD | 9999999999999 | 1 | Moldova | MD | STATE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER OF ORGANIZATION | R XXX YYY ZZZZZ K | 1,0036E+12 | Legal entities | https://trade.gov.md/en/articles/state-registration-of-the-legal-entity | |||||||||||||
MC_RCI_CD | 99XX99999 (2 digits plus 1-3 letters plus 5 digits) | 1 | Monaco | MC | Numéro RCI | RCI | Trade register number assigned for companies with activities in Monaco | 2-digit number + 1 to 3 letters + 5-digit number | 84S02071, 84P02123, 21SC27152 | Mainly applies to commercial activities, companies other than civil societies and economic interest groups | http://www.rci.gouv.mc/rc/ | |||||||||||
MN_TIN_CD | 9999999999 | Mongolia | MN | Tax identification number | TIN | 10 digits | ||||||||||||||||
ME_VAT_CD | 99999999 or 999999999999 | 1 | Montenegro | ME | VAT ID | VAT | In Montenegro, there are two different kinds of distinctive identifiers: the registration number; a VAT ID. For instance: Type 1: PIG-format number (12345678); Type 2: REG- format number (1-23456789/012). | 8 or 12 digits | ||||||||||||||
MA_CCI_CD | 999999999999999 | 1 | Morocco | MA | IDENTIFIANT COMMUN DE L'ENTREPRISE | CCI | 15 digits | Legal | http://www.ompic.ma/fr/content/identifiant-commun-de-lentreprise | |||||||||||||
MZ_TIN_CD | 999999999 | 1 | Mozambique | MZ | Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) | TIN | 9 digits | |||||||||||||||
NL_KVK_CD | 99999999 or 999999999 | 1 | Netherlands | NL | Kamer van Koophandel nummer | KvK-nummer | 8-digit or 9-digit number; can start with some zeros | 12345678, 00001234 | All entities, except the royal family, parliament, senate, embassies and court of justice | www.kvk.nl | ||||||||||||
NL_VAT_CD | NL999999999B99 | 2 | Netherlands | NL | European VAT number | VAT | European VAT number | 11 digits and 1 letter. Tenth character is always 'B'. The 3 digit suffix is always B01 to B99. | NL123456789B01 | |||||||||||||
NZ_BN_CD | 9999999999999 | 1 | New Zealand | NZ | Business Number | BN | A New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) is a globally unique 13-digit identifier that is available to all NZ businesses free of charge. | 13 digits | Legal | https://www.nzta.govt.nz/commercial-driving/nzbn/#:~:text=A%20New%20Zealand%20Business%20Number,information%20stored%20in%20multiple%20places. | ||||||||||||
NZ_GST_CD | 999999999 | 2 | New Zealand | NZ | GST | 13 digits | 123456789 | |||||||||||||||
NI_RUC_CD | X9999999999999 or 9999999999999X | 1 | Nicaragua | NI | Registro Único de Contribuyentes | RUC | 14 characters | 0013007660022M R1230003007661 J0310000007669 | ||||||||||||||
NG_RCN_CD | 9999999 | 1 | Nigeria | NG | Registered Company Number | RCN | 7 digit code | |||||||||||||||
NO_NBR_CD | 999999999 | 1 | Norway | NO | Organization number, Brønnøysund Register | National business register identifier of an entity | 9-digit number | 987654321 | All legal entities | https://www.brreg.no/home/ | ||||||||||||
NO_VAT_CD | 999999999MVA or NO999999999 or NO999999999MVA | 2 | Norway | NO | Norwegian VAT number | VAT | 9 digits and the letters 'MVA' to indicate VAT registration | 123456789MVA | ||||||||||||||
OM_CRN_CD | 9999999 | 1 | Oman | OM | Commercial Registration number | CRN | 7 digit code | Legal | https://www.business.gov.om/ieasy/wp/en/ | |||||||||||||
PK_NTN_CD | 9999999999999 or 9999999 | 1 | Pakistan | PK | National Tax number | NTN | In case of individuals, 13 digits Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC) will be used as NTN or Registration Number. NTN or Registration Number for AOP and Company is the 7 digits NTN received after e-enrollment. | 13 digit or 7 digit | Legal & Natural | https://fbr.gov.pk/categ/register-income-tax/51147/30846/71148#:~:text=Taxpayer%20Registration%20basics,-Some%20important%20facts&text=In%20case%20of%20individuals%2C%2013,NTN%20received%20after%20e%2Denrollment. | ||||||||||||
PA_LEI_CD | 99999999999999999999 | 1 | Panama | PA | Legal Entity Identifier | LEI | A Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is a 20 digit code that is unique to a legal entity and provides basic information about the entity such as name, address and entity type e.g Limited Company. | 20 digit | Legal entities | |||||||||||||
PA_RUC_CD | 9999999999999999DV99 | 2 | Panama | PA | Registro Único de Contribuyente | RUC | for natural persons that can have 6, 7, 8 or more characters in the future: X-XX-XXX DV X-XXX-XXX DV X-XXX-XXXX DV legal person: example 0101-321-9999 DV: 85 from Q3 2014: 155986022-2-2019 DV: 12 or 26631254-3-2020 DV: 78 | up to 18 digit | ||||||||||||||
PY_RUC_CD | 99999999 or 999999999 | 1 | Paraguay | PY | Registro Único de Contribuyentes | RUC | 8 digit for legal entities or 9 digit for natural persons | Legal & Natural | The Registro Único del Contribuyente (RUC) is the unique taxpayer registry that maintains identification numbers for all persons (national or foreign) and legal entities in Paraguay. | |||||||||||||
PE_RUC_CD | 99999999999 | 1 | Peru | PE | Registro Único del Contribuyente | RUC | In Peru the RUC stands for ‘Registro Único del Contribuyente’ in its Spanish abbreviation. Essentially, it is an 11-digit Tax ID number for any natural or legal person (such as a company) in Peru. It is used in most procedures either with public or private entities. | 11 digit code | Legal & Natural | SUNAT provides the RUC number to natural or legal persons. SUNAT stands for ‘Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y de Adminstración Tributaria’ in its Spanish abbreviation and is the Peruvian government agency, which enforces customs and taxation in Peru. | ||||||||||||
PH_TIN_CD | 999999999 or 9999999999 or 99999999999 or 999999999999 | 1 | Philippines | PH | Tax Identification Number | TIN | 9-12 digit numeric code | Legal & Natural | https://serp-p.pids.gov.ph/publication/public/view?slug=taxpayer-identification-number-tin-its-development-and-importance-in-tax-administration#:~:text=The%20unique%20TIN%20consists%20of,45%E2%80%9D%20is%20sequential%3B%20iii. | |||||||||||||
PL_KRS_CD | 0000999999 (number of variable length prefixed by zeros but 10 digits in total) | 1 | Poland | PL | Numer w Krajowym Rejesrze Sądowym (KRS) | KRS | Unique national business register identifier assigned to all legal entities registered in Poland | number of variable length. Commonly it is prefixed by zeros, but they are non-significant and may be dropped. | 456228 | All legal persons | https://ems.ms.gov.pl/krs/wyszukiwaniepodmiotu?t:lb=t | |||||||||||
PL_REGON_CD | 999999999 or 99999999900000 (9 digits or 14 digits with 5 zeros in the end) | 2 | Poland | PL | Numer identyfikacyjny REGON | REGON number | Unique national register of entities which can conduct business, but that do not necessarily take the form of legal entities. | 9-digit number or 14-digit number with 5 zeros in the end | 610188201, 12345678900000 | Any entity which, under Polish law, can acquire legal rights and obligations; excluding in particular natural persons not conducting business | https://ems.ms.gov.pl/krs/wyszukiwaniepodmiotu?t:lb=t | |||||||||||
PL_VAT_CD | PL9999999999 | 3 | Poland | PL | European VAT number | VAT | European VAT number | 10 digits | PL1234567890 | |||||||||||||
PL_PESEL_CD | 999999999999 | 4 | Poland | PL | Pesel number | PESEL | Polish Pesel number | 12 digits | YYMMDDPPPPK
| |||||||||||||
PT_NIF_CD | 999999999 | 1 | Portugal | PT | Número de Identificação de Pessoa Coletiva | NIF/NIPC | Fiscal Authority VAT / Tax Identification Number | 9-digit number | 500792771 | All entities with a fiscal code in Portugal | Ministry of Finance | |||||||||||
PT_VAT_CD | PT999999999 | 2 | Portugal | PT | European VAT number | VAT | European VAT number | 9 digits | PT123456789 | |||||||||||||
PR_EIN_CD | 999999999 | 1 | Puerto Rico | PR | Employer Identification number | EIN | Taxpayer ID | 9 digits | ||||||||||||||
QA_TIN_CD | 9999999999 | 1 | Qatar | QA | Tax Identification Number | TIN | 10 digit | Legal & Natural | https://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/crs-implementation-and-assistance/tax-identification-numbers/Qatar-TIN.pdf | |||||||||||||
RO_TRN_CD | J999999999992000 ("J" plus 2 digits plus up to 9-digit number plus year of registration) | 1 | Romania | RO | Numarul de inregistrare la registrul comertului | Trade register number | "J" + 2-digit number + "/" + trade register number (up to 9-digit number) + "/" + year of registration | J40/8302/1997 | All legal entities | |||||||||||||
RO_VAT_CD | RO9999999999 from 2 to 10 digits | 2 | Romania | RO | European VAT number | VAT | European VAT number | from 2 digits to 10 digits | RO1234567891 | Registru TVA (anaf.ro) | ||||||||||||
RU_OGRN_CD | 9999999999999 | 1 | Russian Federation | RU | Основной государственный регистрационный номер | OGRN | Major State Registration Number | 13-digit number | 1,03617E+12 | All legal persons | ||||||||||||
RU_INN_CD | 9999999999 | 2 | Russian Federation | RU | Russian INN | INN | 10-digit number | 1234567891 | ||||||||||||||
RU_KPP_CD | 999999999 | 3 | Russian Federation | RU | Russian KPP | KPP | 9-digit number | 123456789 | ||||||||||||||
SA_CRN_CD | 9999999999 | 1 | Saudi Arabi | SA | Commercial registration number / | The Commercial Registration Number or CR Number is a unique identification number that can be used to identify any business in Saudi Arabia. The CR Number is assigned by the Ministry of Commerce, and it is found at the top left corner of your commercial registration certificate (شهادة السجل التجاري). | 10-digit number | Legal entities | ||||||||||||||
SV_TIN_CD | 99999999999999 | 1 | Salvador | SV | “Número de Identificación Tributaria” (NIT) | Tax identification number | 14 numbers | 0210-080235-103-0 | https://tin-check.com/en/el-salvador/ | |||||||||||||
SA_VAT_CD | 99999999999999 | 2 | Saudi Arabi | SA | Saudi Arabia VAT | 14-digit number | 1,23457E+14 | |||||||||||||||
SN_VAT_CD | SN999999999 | 1 | Senegal | SN | Senegal VAT | SN plus 9 digits | ||||||||||||||||
RS_APR_CD | 99999999 | 1 | Serbia | RS | Identification Number / Матични број | APR | 8 digits | |||||||||||||||
RS_TIN_CD | 999999999 or 9999999999999 | 2 | Serbia | RS | Tax Identification Number (TIN) Businesses “Poreski Identifikacioni Broj” (PIB) Individuals - “Jedinstveni Maticni Broj Gradjana” (JMBG) | TIN | PIB 9digits JMBG 13 digits | |||||||||||||||
SC_BRN_CD | 999999 | 1 | Seychelles | SC | Business registration number | BRN | 6 digits | https://eservice.egov.sc/TinRegistration/pages/Helplinks.aspx#:~:text=A%20business%20registration%20number%20is,get%20your%206%20digits%20BRN. | ||||||||||||||
SG_UEN_CD | 99999999X or 999999999X | 1 | Singapore | SG | standard identification number of an entity | UEN | 9 or 10 characters | nnnnnnnnX or yyyynnnnnX or TyyPQnnnnX | https://www.uen.gov.sg/ueninternet/faces/pages/admin/aboutUEN.jspx | |||||||||||||
SG_GST_CD | X99999999X | 2 | Singapore | SG | Singapore GST | GST | 10 characters | M12345678X | ||||||||||||||
SK_ICO_CD | 99999999 or 99999999X | 1 | Slovakia | SK | Identifikačné číslo organizácie | ICO | Identification number | 8-digit number or 8-digit number + 1 lowercase letter | 31364501 or 31364501a | All types of entities | https://rpo.statistics.sk/rpo | |||||||||||
SK_VAT_CD | SK9999999999 | 2 | Slovakia | SK | European VAT number | VAT | European VAT number | 10 digits | SK1234567891 | |||||||||||||
SI_MAT_CD | 9999999999 | 1 | Slovenia | SI | Matična številka | National business register identifier | 10-digit number | 5063345000 | All legal entities | http://www.ajpes.si/prs/default.asp | ||||||||||||
SI_VAT_CD | SI99999999 | 2 | Slovenia | SI | European VAT number | VAT | European VAT number | 8 digits | SI12345678 | |||||||||||||
SI_TIN_CD | 99999999 | 3 | Slovenia | SI | Slovenia tax number (davčna številka) | TIN | 8-digit number | 12345678 | ||||||||||||||
ZA_CKN_CD | ZA999999 | 1 | South Africa | ZA | Company Key number | CKN | ZA followed by 6 digit number | ZA999999 | ||||||||||||||
ZA_VAT_CD | 9999999999 | 2 | South Africa | ZA | South African VAT number | VAT | 10-digit number | 4123456789 | ||||||||||||||
ES_NIF_CD | X999X99X9 (9-character string with letters and digits, the letter and digit order doesn't matter) | 1 | Spain | ES | Código de Identificación Fiscal | NIF | Fiscal Identification Number | 9-character string with letters and numbers | A28015865, S2826011E | All legal entities | Ministry of Economy | |||||||||||
ES_VAT_CD | ESX9999999X or ESX99999999 | 2 | Spain | ES | European VAT number | VAT | European VAT number | 8 digits and 1 letter or 7 digits and 2 letters (Includes 1 or 2 letters :-Either FIRST, LAST or FIRST & LAST.) | ES X12345678 or
| |||||||||||||
LK_CRN_CD | XX999 or XX99999 or XXXX999 | 1 | Sri Lanka | LK | Company registration number | CRN | 5 or 7 characters | |||||||||||||||
SE_ORG_CD | 9999999929 (10 digits, the third digit always has the value 2-9) | 1 | Sweden | SE | Organisationsnummer | Business register number that is assigned to the entity by the authorities responsible for the registration of entities | 10-digit number, with an optional "-" after 6th digit. The third digit always has the value 2-9. | 554521-5795 | All types of entities. However, some investment funds might not have a business register number. | http://www.bolagsverket.se/en/info/buy/e-services/company-information | ||||||||||||
SE_VAT_CD | SE999999999901 | 2 | Sweden | SE | European VAT number | VAT | European VAT number | 12 digits The last 2 digits must be '01'. | SE123456789101 | |||||||||||||
CH_ID_CD | CH99999999999 | 1 | Switzerland | CH | Business register number | Business register number | CH + 11-digit number | CH02030039709 | All legal entities | https://www.zefix.ch/en/search/entity/welcome | ||||||||||||
CH_VAT_CD | CHE999999999 or CHE999999999XXX or CHE999999999XXXX | 2 | Switzerland | CH | Switzerland VAT number | VAT | The VAT number in Switzerland is based on the Swiss Business Identification Number | 9 numbers plus optional part: MWST/TVA/IVA German part: MWST | CHE-123.456.789 MWST | |||||||||||||
TW_UBN_CD | 99999999 | 1 | Taiwan | TW | 統一編號 | UBN | 8 digits | |||||||||||||||
TW_VAT_CD | 99999999 | 2 | Taiwan | TW | Taiwanese VAT | VAT | 8 digits | 12345678 | ||||||||||||||
TZ_VAT_CD | 99999999X | 1 | Tanzania, United Republic of | TZ | Tanzania VAT | VAT | 8 digits plus 1 character | 99-999999-A | ||||||||||||||
TH_CRN_CD | 9999999999999 | 1 | Thailand | TH | Company Registration Number or Tax Identification Number | CRN | 13 digits | |||||||||||||||
TH_TIN_CD | 9999999999999 | 2 | Thailand | TH | Company Registration Number or Tax Identification Number | TIN | 13 digit | |||||||||||||||
TG_VAT_CD | TG999999999 | Togo | TG | Togo VAT | VAT | TG plus 9 digits | ||||||||||||||||
TT_CN_CD | X9999999999999 | 1 | Trinidad and Tobago | TT | Company Number | CN | 14 characters | |||||||||||||||
TT_BIR_CD | 9999999999 | 2 | Trinidad and Tobago | TT | Board of inland revenue | BIR | 10 digits | Legal & Natural | https://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/crs-implementation-and-assistance/tax-identification-numbers/Trinidad-and-Tobago-TIN.pdf | |||||||||||||
TN_RNE_CD | 999999X or X99999999 | 1 | Tunisia | TN | المعرف الوحيد:Unique Indetification Number/ | RNE | The National Register of Companies - RNE- is a public database to collect data and information relating to companies and their availability to the public as well as to State institutions. This is where companies (legal and natural persons) are registered as well as their amending entries. | 7 or 9 characters | 1616343A or C18022000 | |||||||||||||
TR_VKN_CD | 9999999999 (Up to 10-digit number) | 1 | Turkey | TR | Vergi Kimlik Numarası | Tax identification number | Up to 10-digit number | 71524152, 1026152349 | All legal entities; One individual legal entity can not have the same VKN with any other individual legal entity even if they belong to the same group (solo records but not consolidated group records are to be reported). | OECD document (in english): http://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/crs-implementation-and-assistance/tax-identification-numbers/Turkey-TIN.pdf Website (in turkish): https://www.nvi.gov.tr/ | ||||||||||||
UG_CRN_CD | 99999999999999 | 1 | Uganda | Company Registration Number | CRN | a combination of letters and numbers | 14-digit number | a search link http://search2.ursb.go.ug:9090/ursb/ | ||||||||||||||
UA_EDRPOU_CD | 99999999 | 1 | Ukraine | UA | Ukrainian state registry legal entity identifier | EDRPOU | A tax number assigned to legal persons by the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine | 8-digit number | 12345678 | Legal entities | https://minjust.gov.ua/m/yak-otrimati-informatsiyu-z-derjavnih-reestriv-onlayn | |||||||||||
UA_VAT_CD | 999999999 or 999999999999 | 2 | Ukraine | UA | Ukrainian VAT | VAT | 9 or 12 digits | 123456789 | ||||||||||||||
AE_TRN_CD | 999999999999999 | 1 | United Arab Emirates | AE | TRN | The TRN (TIN) is a unique 15-digit code provided by the FTA (Federal Tax Authority) of the UAE. | 15-digit code | |||||||||||||||
AE_CBLS_CD | 99999999 (the length may vary) | 2 | United Arab Emirates | AE | CBLS | Federal Reserve Number | The length may vary | |||||||||||||||
GB_CRN_CD | 99999999 or XX999999 (8-character string with letters and numbers) | 1 | United Kingdom | GB | Company Registration Number | CRN | Business register number | 8-character string with letters and numbers | 01234567, SC012345 | A company registration number is assigned by Companies House when a company is formed. It only applies to businesses incorporated or registered at Companies House, primarily limited companies and limited liability partnerships. | https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/ | |||||||||||
GB_VAT_CD | GB999999999 | 2 | United Kingdom | GB | United Kingdom VAT number | VAT | Nine digits or Twelve digits if the number represents a sub-company within a group | GB123456789 or GB 123456789001 | ||||||||||||||
GB_SQC_MBN | GBS99999 or GBS99999(X) | 3 | United Kingdom | GB | SQC member number | |||||||||||||||||
GB_REDT_MBN | GB999999 or GBXXX999 or GBXXX9999 or GBXXX99999 or GBXXX999999 or GBXXX9999999 | 4 | United Kingdom | GB | Red Cert member number | |||||||||||||||||
US_EIN_CD | 999999999 | 1 | United States of America | US | Employer Identification Number | EIN | Internal Revenue Service | The EIN is a nine-digit number formatted with a dash after the first two numbers. These first two numbers indicate the location where the company will do business and pay their federal tax. | 03-0413726 | Most legal entities | ||||||||||||
US_DSFN_CD | 999999 or 9999999 | 2 | United States of America | US | Delaware State File Number | Delaware business register identifier | 6 or 7-digit number | 4307493 | All legal entities | https://icis.corp.delaware.gov/Ecorp/EntitySearch/NameSearch.aspx | ||||||||||||
UY_RUT_CD | 999999999999 | 1 | Uruguay | UY | Registro Único Tributario (RUT) | RUT | Tax Identification Number | 12-digit | 2,16549E+11 | All entities subject to taxation | Website: https://servicios.dgi.gub.uy/ServiciosEnLinea/dgi--servicios-en-linea--consulta-de-certifcado-unico Third party resources: OECD document: https://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/crs-implementation-and-assistance/tax-identification-numbers/Uruguay-TIN.pdf | |||||||||||
UZ_OKPO_CD | 99999999 | 1 | Uzbekistan | UZ | едином идентификационном коде предприятий, организаций и индивидуальных предпринимателей | ОКПО | 8 digits | |||||||||||||||
VE_TIN_CD | X999999999 | 1 | Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) | VE | Registro de Informacion Fiscal (RIF) | Tax Identification Number | First character is one of (J, G, V, E), one dash (-), then 9 digits e.g. J-305959918, in some cases can be written e.g. J-30595991-8 | J-999999999 OR J-99999999-9 | ||||||||||||||
VN_ECN_CD | 9999999999 or 9999999999999 | 1 | Vietnam | VN | Enterprise code | ECN | 10 digit or 13 digit | 9999999999 or 9999999999-999 | ||||||||||||||
VG_CN_CD | 9999999 | 1 | Virgin Islands (British) | VG | BVI Company number | CN | 7 digits | |||||||||||||||
MU_BRN_CD | X99999999 | 1 | Mauritius | MU | Business register number | BRN | "C" followed by 8 digits | C12345678 | All legal entities | |||||||||||||