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  • LPIS QA imagery acquisition dates (Slavko Lemajic, JRC)
  • MTS/IXIT (Pavel Milenov, JRC)
  • Eligibility Profile (Pavel Milenov, JRC)
  • RP aggregation/Congruency testing (Natasa Luketic, Slavko Lemajic, JRC)
  • QE3 incomplete block (Csaba Wirnhardt, JRC)
  • QE4: erroneous or incomplete processing, that is the question (Natasa Luketic, JRC)
  • QE6 score calculation (Dominique Fasbender, JRC)
  • Quality Element 6. Cumulated rate of non-conformities due to undetected or unaccounted land cover changes, as observed in ETS, over the years (Ana M. Carmena Villegas, ES)
  • LPIS QA Portal IT Services (R.Franielczyk, P.Isoardi, JRC)
  • ETS - results and observations (Alain Vander Velde, DG Agri)

Session: Remedial Action Plan

  • New Remedial Action Plan template (Jerome Walsh, DG Agri)
  • Lithuanian Way of Understanding the Spatial Data Quality: Happily Ever After (Edvinas Aglinskas, LT)
  • Remedial Action Plan: The Swedish experience (Andreas Egbäck, SE)
  • Developing and executing the Remedial Action Plan in Denmark (Mette Holst Nielsen, DK)
  • Remedial actions for improvement of LPIS quality of the Hessian Agricultural Parcel System (Elisabeth Vollmer, DE-HE)
  • Impact of the Remedial Action Plan on the LPIS using the federal states Schleswig-Holstein/Hamburg as an example (Susanne Niecke, DE-SH)

Session: Discussion

  • Briefing on the discussion sessions (JRC)
  • Working groups parallel discussions
    • Working group 1
    • Working group 2
    • Working group 3
    • Working group 4
  • Presentation of working group conclusions

Closing session

  • Q&A session (DG Agri, JRC)
  • Wrap-up and farewell

