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This page explains how to view and manage  (add, edit, and delete) participating organisations  in a project. 

When a project becomes available in My Projects after logging into the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps platform, all participating organisations with an OID that are part of the signed grant agreement will be available in the Participating organisations section of the project. The beneficiary organisation must always hold an OID and is always available in the project.

General changes to the organisation information, such as name, address information, website, etc. for organisations with an OID (for example, Beneficiary, Consortium Coordinator, Consortium Members, or Partner, depending on the action type of the project) cannot be made in a project. These details must be updated in the Organisation Registration system

After updates are made in the Organisation Registration system, they are reflected in the National Agency project management system. Once these changes have been confirmed by the National Agency, the changes for the organisations in the signed grant agreement are transferred to the project. To change the participating organisations that are part of the grant agreement, you must contact the National Agency to request an amendment. See the page Updates to project data in Beneficiary module for additional information.

Depending on the action type and the role of the organisation, partner and/or other participating organisations can be added to the project, updated or deleted. Only the associated persons of the beneficiary, co-beneficiary, and partner organisations with editing rights are able to perform these actions while the project status is Project Ongoing.

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Numbered Headings

Access "Participating organisations" in the project

Click on "Participating organisations" in the "Content menu"

In your project, click on Participating organisations in the Content menu.

The Participating organisations screen opens, showing a t least one list containing the relevant organisation information for the Beneficiary (1) organisation. It will also contain partner organisations with an OID as per signed grant agreement, depending on the action type of the project, as applicable. Organisations without an OID are not available in the project when it is created.

The list of Other organisations (non-beneficiaries) (2) is also displayed and, once added to the project, additional organisations will be listed here. 


In the case of projects with a (mobility) consortium , the displayed lists will be Consortium coordinator , Consortium members  and Other organisations (non-beneficiaries) . See below for details. 

For accreditations, the Accredited organisation list is displayed, containing the information for the accredited organisation. See below for details.

The lists provide information such as the OID , Organisation ID , Legal name and more.

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Click on Participating organisations in the Content menu to open the list of participating organisations

Here is an example of the Participating organisations screen in an ESC51, Call year 2022 project, where only information regarding the Beneficiary (1) organisation is initially available in the project. The Other organisations (non-beneficiaries) list (2) is displayed, but it is empty. The Create button displayed to the top right of the list indicates that organisations can be added. 

Participating Organisations screen showing Beneficiary info and option to add Other organisationsImage Modified

List options

Depending on the organisation role and whether it is part of the grant agreement, one or more of the following options are available for the organisations displayed in the lists, by clicking on the relevant icon in the Actions column.

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The beneficiary organisation can never be deleted.

Here is an example from a KA122-ADU project. For the Beneficiary organisation, the Delete icon (1) is inactive. You can view and edit (certain) information for the beneficiary organisation. For organisation(s) with the role of Other , you have the options to Delete , View or Edit (2)

List of Participating organisations

In KA131 and KA171 Higher Education projects, a link to the list of Higher education institutions holding an ECHE (2021-2027) on https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/document/higher-education-institutions-holding-an-eche-2021-2027 is also available in the Participating organisations screen.

Link to the list of Higher education institutions holding an ECHE available in HED projects

The Participating organisations list displays the following information for the organisations participating in the project:

  1. OID - the Organisation ID unique identifier obtained when registering in the Organisation Registration system . This identifier does not vary from one project to another.
  2. Organisation ID - the unique organisation identifier in the project. This identifier is assigned when the organisation is created in the project and can be changed, but must be unique within the project for that organisation.


    Do not confuse the OID and the Organisation ID.

    The OID is the unique identifier obtained when registering the organisation in the Organisation Registration system.

    The Organisation ID is a unique identifier for the organisation in the project.

    See the page Organisation ID and OID in projects for detailed information. 

  3. Legal name - Displays the legal name of the organisation.
  4. Public body - a flag indicating whether the organisation is a public body.
  5. Non-profit - a flag indicating whether the organisation is a non-profit organisation.
  6. Country
  7. City

Here is an example from the Beneficiary list in a KA131-HED project:

Organisation details displayed in the list

You can add more participating organisations to the project, with or without an OID, using the Create button, as explained under Add an organisation below. This option to add more participating organisations depends on the action type of your project. If it is not possible to add organisations to a project, the Create button will not be available.

The Create button is active if additional participating organisations can be added to the project


View organisation details

To view the details of an organisation in your project, click on the View (eye) icon in the Actions column. 

To view the details of an organisation in your project, click on the View (eye) icon in the Actions column

The organisation details open, displaying the available organisation information. 

The screen consists of several sections, which can be collapsed or expanded individually using the dedicated arrows.

  • Participating organisation - here you can view the OID (if applicable), Organisation ID, Organisation Role , and other general information. 

Do not confuse the OID and the Organisation ID.

The OID is the unique identifier obtained when registering the organisation in the Organisation Registration system.

The Organisation ID is a unique identifier for the organisation in the project.

See the page Organisation ID and OID in projects for detailed information. 

  • Organisation Address and Legal Information - includes the legal address and contact information, as well as a field for additional comments about the organisation.
  • Accreditations and/or Quality Labels - only applicable to OID organisations, and subject to the key action of your project, it displays valid accreditations and Quality Labels.
  • Role in Mobility Activity - only applicable to KA121 and KA122 projects, and depending on the organisation role in the project (not in the illustration below). You will be able to edit the roles. See the specifics for KA121/122 below.

Organisation details screen

Click the Back button at the bottom of the screen to close the organisation details and return to the list of Participating organisations.


Organisation roles

Organisations participating in an Erasmus+ or European Solidarity Corps project will have a specific role. In a project, the role of an organisation is displayed in the organisation details. 

The roles assigned to organisations in a project vary, depending on the activity type of the project. The most common examples are: 

  • Beneficiary: When a project is approved for a grant, the applicant organisation becomes the beneficiary by signing a contract with the National or Executive Agency that has selected the project. If the application was made on behalf of other participating organisations, the partners may become co-beneficiaries of the grant.
  • Consortium coordinator: A participating organisation applying for an Erasmus+ grant on behalf of a consortium of partner organisations. The coordinator has special obligations foreseen in the grant agreement. 
  • Consortium member: An organisation participating in an Erasmus+ project as part of a consortium. 
  • Partner organisation: An organisation formally involved in the project (co-beneficiary) but not taking the role of coordinator/beneficiary.
  • Invited organisation: In HED projects, any public or private organisation (not awarded with an ECHE) in an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme, or third country not associated to the Programme, active in the labour market or in the fields of education, training, youth, research and innovation.
  • Accredited organisation: In Accreditations the accredited organisation is displayed with the role Accredited Organisation.
  • Other: Not further specified. 

Organisation role displayed in Organisation detailsImage Modified


Manage Participating organisations

Add an organisation manually

To add an organisation to the project, click on the Create button at the top of the Other organisations (non-beneficiary) list. A new screen opens, where you will add the organisation details.


The Create button is not available in ESC30, call 2021, and KA2 projects, except for KA220 call year 2021. It is not possible to add organisations manually to these projects. See the specifics  for the different action types below. 

The Create button is active if additional participating organisations can be added to the project

Add an Organisation with OID

Depending on the action type of your project, you can add participating organisations with or without an OID to your project. If the organisation you want to add has an OID:

  1. Fill in the OID in the applicable field, then click outside the OID field in the Participating organisations screen.
  2. If the OID is found, the related organisation information is automatically retrieved and the relevant fields are filled in.
    • The fields that retrieve data from the Organisation Registration system are greyed out and cannot be changed in Beneficiary module. Any changes to these details must be made in the Organisation Registration system and require further action from the National Agency.
    • The sections Accreditations and Quality Labels, where displayed, are also greyed out, as this information is retrieved from the National Agency project management system.
    • Fill in the other fields as applicable. Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk *
  3. Once all necessary information is provided, click on the Save button.

Use the scrollbar in your browser to access all information on screen. 

If the OID provided is not found, an error message is displayed in red. Check if you have provided the correct OID and make the necessary corrections. If you believe you have entered a valid OID but the error persists, please contact your National Agency. You can find the contact details of National Agencies for Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps in the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps platform > Support section.

titleTake note
  • Each participating organisation, identified through a unique OID, can only be added once to the project. 
  • The field Erasmus Code is available in Higher Education projects. If you provide a valid Erasmus Code (ECHE) instead of an OID, the relevant organisation information is automatically retrieved and its details are filled in. See the specifics below.
  • The field Erasmus Code is also available in KA2 projects whenever a Higher education institution is participating in a KA2 project, irrespective of the action type. It will display the valid ECHE code for the organisation OID, according to the data available in the Erasmus Charter database. 
    You can find the list of Higher education institutions holding an ECHE (2021-2027) on  https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/document/higher-education-institutions-holding-an-eche-2021-2027 .

Add organisation with OID

Add an Organisation without OID

If the organisation you want to add has no OID, leave the OID field empty and fill in all the other fields, as required. Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk * . Remember that the Organisation ID must be unique for the organisation in the project. 

Once all the necessary information is provided, click on the Save button at the bottom of the page. The button is greyed out until all mandatory fields are filled in.


Participating organisations without an OID can only be added in KA131, KA171, KA121 and KA122 projects.

Add organisation without an OID

The organisation is added to the project

When you click Save, a success message confirms that the organisation details have been saved.

Organisation saved

The newly-added organisation is now displayed in the list of Other organisations (non-beneficiaries) in your project. You can now add associated persons for the organisation, if required. See the page Associated persons in projects for details.

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Organisation added to project

Add Participating organisations using the import functionality

In projects that allow the export and import of mobility activities/participations from the Import-export screen, it is possible to add participating organisations to the project when importing mobility activities.

When preparing the import file, the organisation specific columns (Sending/Receiving Organisation ID, Sending/Receiving OID, etc.) must be filled in and, if the import is successful, the imported participating organisations will become available in your project. 

See the pages  Organisation ID and OID in projects and Edit the import file for details.

Import organisations from other projects (KA131 only)

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Import organisations from other project in KA131 projects
Import organisations from other project in KA131 projects

See the page  Import organisations from other project in KA131 projects for details.

Import Organisations from other projects functionality available in KA131 projects

Edit organisation information

To update organisation information, click on the Edit icon. 


The option to Edit the organisation details is not always available. It depends on the organisation role and the action type of your project. See specifics below for details. 

Click on the Edit icon to open organisation details in edit mode

Organisation with OID

Only some fields can be updated if the organisation you want to edit has an OID . The fields that retrieve data from the Organisation Registration system are greyed out and cannot be changed. You may have to use the scrollbar in your browser to access all the information for the organisation. Any changes required on the details retrieved from the Organisation Registration system must be done there, and require further action from the National Agency.

Click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save any changes made. The organisation information is updated.

Edit an organisation with OID

Organisation without OID

If the organisation you want to edit does not have an OID, all available information can be updated. Make the changes as applicable. Note that an OID cannot be added at this point, as the field is greyed out.

You may have to use the scrollbar in your browser to access all the information for the organisation. Click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen. The organisation information is updated.

Edit an organisation without OID


Delete an organisation from the project

The Beneficiary organisation(s), single beneficiary or consortium, sent to your project with the project information from the National Agency's project management system cannot be removed from the project. Depending on the action type of your project, partner organisations as per the signed grant agreement can or cannot be deleted. 

For these organisations, the Delete (bin) icon is not active in the Actions column of the relevant list. If you need to remove these organisations, please contact your National Agency for an amendment to your grant agreement. 

 Certain organisations cannot be deleted

Other organisations added to the project can be removed. In the Other organisations (non-beneficiaries) list, the Delete (bin) icon is active in the Actions column. 

Click on the Delete icon to remove the organisation from the project, then confirm the deletion in the pop-up window. The organisation will be removed from the project. 


The deletion of a participating organisation may have several consequences.

For example, if mobility activities (Erasmus+ projects) or participations (ESC51-VTJ projects) have already been added and the organisation (to be deleted) is a sending or receiving organisation for mobility activities/participations, deletion is only possible after the affected mobility activities/participations are either assigned to a different sending or receiving organisation, or removed from the project. An error message will display, informing you of this fact. 

Delete an organisation from the project


An email notification is sent to the preferred contact of the organisation added in the project, providing information on the project and access, as well as useful links. 

Changes made to Participating organisations will also trigger an email notification to the preferred contact of the organisation, informing them of this fact. See Notifications to project contacts for details.


Specifics for European Solidarity Corps projects

ESC30-SOL - Solidarity Projects

Unlike other European Solidarity Corps key actions, ESC30-SOL - Solidarity Projects for call 2021 allow only one organisation to be involved in a project. Therefore the option to add other participating organisations is not available. The beneficiary organisation is either an organisation or a natural person, member of the group of people involved in the project, that has applied on behalf of the group using the OID obtained when registering in the Organisation Registration system.

For ESC30 projects from call 2022 onward, it is possible to add organisations with an OID in the project. These organisations will have the organisation role Other. It is not possible to add an organisation with any other role. 

ESC51-VTJ - Volunteering Projects

All organisations that wish to take part in European Solidarity Corps volunteering projects must hold a valid Quality Label  for volunteering with a host or support role.

Implicitly, they must be registered in the Organisation Registration system and have a valid OID. For more details about these projects please see the page European Solidarity Corps project management overview .

In ESC51 projects, only organisations with an OID can be added to the project. 

Specifics for Erasmus+ projects 

Higher Education (KA131, KA171 and KA2)

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HEI flag in organisation details
HEI flag in organisation details

Consortium (KA121, KA131, KA171)

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Consortium in projects
Consortium in projects

These organisations cannot be deleted in the project. Should there be a need to change the consortium members, please contact your National Agency for an amendment. Participating organisations added to the project manually will always display in the list of Other organisations (non-beneficiaries). 

Organisations for consortium in a KA121 project

KA131-HED - Mobility of higher education students and staff supported by internal policy funds

KA131 Higher Education projects can involve organisations from Programme countries as well as from third countries not associated to the Programme. See the list of eligible countries available online under https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/programme-guide/part-a/eligible-countries.

Depending on the nature of the activities, the project can include higher education institutions (HEIs) with a valid Erasmus Code (Erasmus Charter for Higher Education) or other types of organisations also. Please see the page Mobility activities in KA131 Higher Education projects for more details. 

It is possible to add a HEI to the project starting from its valid Erasmus Code. In the Organisation details screen, add the valid Erasmus code in the dedicated field. The OID and all related information is automatically retrieved. Check and update (if applicable) the remaining organisation details, then click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen to add the organisation to the project.

In HED projects, use the Erasmus Code to add an organisation

KA171-HED - Mobility of higher education students and staff supported by external policy funds

In KA171 projects, the beneficiary organisation or consortium coordinator and members, as well as organisations in regional partnerships, are available. Organisations in third countries belonging to these regional partnerships, as per the signed grant agreement, will be displayed in the Beneficiary list.

The Organisation Role for these regional partnership organisations will be Partner Organisation and these organisations can be edited and removed. Participating organisations added manually to the project will always have the organisation role Other and will be displayed in the Other organisations (non-beneficiaries) list.


You can only add organisations belonging to countries defined in the grant agreement. 

Organisations in KA171 project

It is not possible to add an organisation (with or without an OID) belonging to a country not defined in the grant agreement. In such case, a red warning message displays under the Country field, informing you of this fact. The Save button will be inactive. 

Organisations not belonging to regions as per grant agreement cannot be added


KA121/KA122 - Accredited/Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff (SCH, VET, ADU)

Roles in mobility activity

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Organisation role in mobility activity
Organisation role in mobility activity
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KA2 projects

Create, Edit and Delete options are not available for KA2 projects.

Any changes to the beneficiary organisation or to any other participating organisations, as well as the addition of organisations to the project, must be done by the National Agency, in their project management system. For any changes required to the organisations, for example adding an organisation, you must contact your National Agency for an amendment. See Updates to project data in Beneficiary module for additional information. 


In KA220, call year 2021 projects, it is possible to add participating organisations of type Organisation of Invited Staff. See the next chapter for details.

Here is an example of the Participating organisations list in a KA220-ADU project from call 2022. The Create button is not available, and the Delete and Edit options for the listed organisations are inactive. It is only possible to View organisation details. 

Example of Organisations in KA220 VET project

Status, Partnership entry date and Partnership withdrawal date in KA2 organisation details 

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Organisation status, Partnership entry date and Partnership withdrawal date in Organisation details
Organisation status, Partnership entry date and Partnership withdrawal date in Organisation details


KA220, Call 2021

In KA220, call 2021 projects, participating organisations of type Organisation of Invited Staff can be added, and therefore also edited and deleted. Any other type of organisation in the project will have to be updated in the National Agencies project management system. Invited organisations may or may not have an OID. These added organisations will have the organisation role as Other and, once added, will be displayed in the Other organisations (non-beneficiaries) list. 


Specifics for Accreditations and Quality Label 

In KA120, KA150, ESC50 and ESC52, the beneficiary is displayed in the Accredited Organisation list.

You can only View the organisation details. It is not possible to edit or delete the accredited organisation. No additional organisations can be added, the Create button is not displayed.

Organisations in KA150 accreditationImage Modified

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