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titleRelevant For...

This page is relevant for:

  • Erasmus+, call 2022
    • KA171-HED - Mobility of higher education students and staff supported by external policy funds

Table of Contents

This page outlines the specifics for mobility activities carried out within projects under Erasmus+ KA171-HED - Mobility of higher education students and staff supported by external policy funds.

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Mobility Activities in projects
Mobility Activities in projects
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Root Questions or fields may vary .... (BM)

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Root BM Compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation for mobilities
Root BM Compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation for mobilities

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Numbered Headings

Activity types

The following activity types can be implemented and are available for selection from the Activity type drop-down list in the Mobility Activity section. The remaining fields to fill in throughout the form will vary based on the selected activity type.

Activity Types for KA171 mobility activities

Activity flags

Depending on the selected Activity type (1), a variety of activity flags (2) are available. Certain flags are checked automatically, others can be checked manually, depending on the information you provide in the form and the specific circumstances of each mobility activity. The flags may also influence the type of details you are required to fill in.

Also, take note of the Mobility activity ID.

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Mobility Activity ID
Mobility Activity ID

Example of the available activity flags for a Student mobility for studies mobility activity

Here an example of the available activity flags for a Staff mobility for teaching activity.

Activity flags for a Staff mobility for teaching activity

"Long-term mobility activity" flag

Check the flag if the mobility activity is a long-term mobility activity. Specific long-term duration fields will become available in the Duration section, if this flag is checked. 

If the Activity Type of the mobility activity is Staff mobility for training or Staff mobility for teaching, the flag is set to No (cannot be checked) and is read-only.

Long-term mobility activity flag

"Blended intensive programme" flag

This flag is only available for the Activity types Student mobility for studies, Staff mobility for teaching and Staff mobility for training.

It indicates that the mobility activity is part of a blended intensive programme. When this flag is checked, the mobility activity must be linked to a Blended Intensive Programme in the From-To section. See Blended Intensive programme for details on how to link the mobility activity. 

Blended intensive programme flag

"Blended mobility activity" flag

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Blended mobility activity flag
Blended mobility activity flag

"Doctoral mobility activity" flag

This flag indicates that the Mobility activity is taking place at doctoral level (EQF level 8) or that the participant is a doctoral candidate or a post-doc. If the Activity Type is a student mobility and the selected Level of education in the Participant section of the form is ISCED-8, then the flag is automatically set to Yes.

Doctoral mobility activity flag


"Force majeure" flag

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Force majeure
Force majeure

When this flag is checked, the minimum duration for Duration (days) and the validation on the minimum Number of Teaching Hours in section Duration will not apply. The fields Travel grant and Individual support grant become editable.

Force majeure flag

"Digital skills" drop-down 

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Digital skills
Digital skills

Participant flags

Below are some of the most common participant flags explained. 

Native speaker or duly justified exception

This flag is only available for mobility activities of type Student mobility for studies and Student mobility for traineeships. It indicates that the participant is a native speaker of the "Main language used during mobility activity" or has duly justified reasons to be exempt from the language assessment. 

"Online language support (OLS)" flag

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"Invited staff from enterprise" flag

This flag is available for Activity type Staff mobility for teaching. Checking this flag indicates the participant as an invited staff from enterprise.

If this flag is checked, the Sending/Receiving organisation in the mobility activity can be a non-OID organisation under certain conditions. See From-To section for details.

Invited staff from enterprise flagImage RemovedInvited staff from enterprise flagImage Added

"Inclusion Support" section

"Participant with fewer opportunities" flag

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Participant with fewer opportunities
Participant with fewer opportunities

When this flag is checked, the field Inclusion support for participants becomes available and you can provide the requested grant. As soon as a value higher than 0 EUR is provided, the field Description and justification for inclusion support for participants becomes available and must be filled in. 

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Root BM Compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation for mobilities
Root BM Compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation for mobilities

If the flag is checked, the flag Participant With a Top-Up Amount For Fewer Opportunities becomes available in the Duration section. For each participant with fewer opportunities you must also fill in the Fewer Opportunities section of your project. 

"Participant Survey" section

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Manage Participant Reports in projects
Manage Participant Reports in projects

As the invitation e-mail for the Participant survey is sent only at specific dates in relation to the mobility activity, you will find the section initially empty. In this section you can, at a later stage, monitor the status of the participant report and, if needed, resend the invitation to the participant to fill in the report.

See the page Manage Participant Reports in projects for additional information. 

"Certifications" section

The Certifications section is only available for activity types Student mobility for studies and Student mobility for traineeships.

You can provide the number of ECTS credits (or any other comparable system) recognised by the sending higher education institution to the student. If the mobility activity concerns a Blended Intensive Programme, a minimum of three certifications is required. 


"Report On Recognition" section

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Manage Report On Recognition
Manage Report On Recognition

Participants that took part in a Student mobility for studies and already submitted feedback on their mobility activity experience through the participant report may be asked to fill in a Report On Recognition, if their recognition process was not finalised at the time of the submission of the participant report. 

When a participant in the mobility activity is required to fill in this report, this section will display a table, containing the relevant information on, for example, the status of the report, action taken (ready to be sent, sent,...) and more. Participants required to fill in this report will receive an email notification

See the page Manage Report On Recognition for additional information.


"From-To" section

In this section you will specify the travel details, such as the sending and receiving organisations, the distance band and the means of transport.

Sending and Receiving organisation

If the sending organisation is from a Third country not associated with the programme then the receiving organisation must be from the country of the National Agency or vice versa. See here the list of eligible countries.

A sending/receiving organisation must have an OID, except in the case of:

  • Staff mobility for teaching where the mobility activity is flagged as Invited staff from enterprise
    • If the Sending organisation is an organisation without an OID, the receiving organisation must be a HEI
  • Staff mobility for training where the mobility activity is flagged as Invited staff from enterprise
    • If the Sending organisation is a HEI, the Receiving organisation can be an non-OID organisation
    • In outgoing mobility activities, the non-OID Receiving organisation cannot be from a Partner Country
  • Student mobility for traineeships
    • If the Sending organisation is a HEI, the Receiving organisation can be an non-OID organisation, for incoming and outgoing mobility activities

Select the Sending (1) and Receiving (2) organisation in the From-To section, using the available Select buttons. If an organisation is not available for selection, check that it is added in your project by accessing the Organisations in your project. The Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) is displayed once an organisation is selected for organisations in EU Member States or third countries associated to the Programme.

If organisations were selected that do not fulfil any of the above rules, an error message displays below the respective fields. Such errors must be corrected. 


In the case of a mobility activity linked to a Blended intensive programme, the information for the Receiving organisation will be pre-filled with the organisation information from the related Blended intensive programme and read-only. The Select button is not active for the Receiving organisation if the mobility activity is flagged as Blended intensive programme. See below for details.

If the activity was flagged as Blended mobility activity , you must also provide the required information regarding the virtual component in the fields Virtual component description (3) and Virtual component timing (4). In the case of a participation in a blended intensive programme, the content for this field is taken from the field of the same name of the linked blended intensive programme.

Select the Sending and Receiving organisation

titleClick here to expand for how to select an organisation, using a KA121 project as example.

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Add mobility activities to projects
Add mobility activities to projects

"Outer-most region" flag

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Outer-most region (OCT)flag
Outer-most region (OCT)flag

band" and "Main means of transport"You must select the Distance band, provide the Real distance in kilometres and select a Main means of transport
travelled and distance band

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Distance and distance band and Main means of transport
Distance and distance band and Main means of transport

Main means of transport and "Sustainable means of transport (green travel)" flag

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Sustainable Main means of transport (and green travel)Sustainable
Main means of transport (and green travel)

Travel Grant

In this part of the form you must fill in the Funded travel days. The Travel support is calculated automatically, based on the information provided in the form.

Funded travel days

Request Exceptional Cost (Call 2022)

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Exceptional costs
Exceptional costs

"Duration" section

In this section you will specify the mobility activity duration details. 

  1. Check and update the Start and End dates of the mobility activity. 
    • For mobility activities flagged as Blended mobility activity, you must also provide the End date virtual component.
  2. The Duration calculated (days) is calculated automatically and displayed. If the duration limits are not met, a warning message is displayed. The Duration Calculated (days) cannot be manually changed, except in cases of Force majeure.
  3. If there is a break in the mobility activity, fill in the Interruption duration (days) with the number of days of interruption. This duration is subtracted from the total duration of the mobility activity. The interruption duration cannot exceed the total calculated duration in days.
  4. The Duration of mobility activity period (days) indicates the duration in days of the mobility activity after having removed any interruption days. The days are calculated automatically. 
  5. The Funded travel days (max. 2 in the case of unsustainable travel means, max. 6 for sustainable travel means) you specified in the Travel Grant part of the form are also added to the funded duration and are taken into account for the total duration of the mobility activity.
  6. If part of the mobility activity duration is not funded via the Erasmus+ programme, specify the Non-funded duration (days). These days will be subtracted from the total duration.
  7. The Funded duration (days) is automatically calculated based on the information provided in the previous fields.
    • The field Number of days in virtual mobility is only displayed for mobility activities flagged as Blended mobility activity.

For mobility activities flagged as Long-term mobility activities, the fields Funded long-term duration (full months) (8) and Funded long-term duration (extra days) (9) are displayed.

Funded long-term duration (full months) is calculated based on the Funded Duration (days). The Funded long-term duration (extra days) is calculated as the remainder of the previous calculated duration in full 30 day months based on the Funded Duration (days).

Important: In mobility activities, a month is always considered to have 30 days.

Example of Duration section for long term mobility activity flagged as blended

"Zero grant extension" flag

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Zero Grant Extension flag
Zero Grant Extension flag

Number of teaching hours - Staff mobility for teaching only

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Number of teaching hours
Number of teaching hours

Individual Support

The individual support grant is calculated automatically based on the daily grant or monthly base grant (according to the type of mobility activity) summed with any applicable top-ups.

Here is an example of the Individual Support section in a Student mobility for studies. The available fields are calculated automatically and read-only.

Individual Support section in a Student mobility for studies

For participants flagged as participants with fewer opportunities, the Participant with a top-up amount for fewer opportunities flag is displayed and checked by default. Specific Participants with fewer opportunities top-ups will be available. Deselect the flag if this cost item is not required.

Example of Participants with fewer opportunities top-up

"Individual support - grant not required" flag

Here is an example of the Individual Support section in a Staff mobility for teaching. For staff mobilities, the flag Individual support - grant not required is available. Check the flag if this type of support is not required. All values will be set to 0 EUR. 

Individual Support section in a long term Student mobility for studies


"Budget" section

The Total mobility activity grant is calculated automatically as per information provided throughout the form and read-only. 

Budget section in mobility activity

"Zero grant" flag

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Zero Grant
Zero Grant

"OS Covered by Erasmus + EU funds" flag

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OS Covered by Erasmus EU funds flag
OS Covered by Erasmus EU funds flag

"Additional non-EU grant"

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Additional non-EU grant
Additional non-EU grant


Blended intensive programme

Blended intensive programmes are short, intensive programmes that use innovative ways of learning, teaching and training for students and staff including the use of online cooperation. They are developed and implemented by at least three higher education institutions (HEIs) coming from at least three EU Member States and third countries associated to the Programme (called a blended intensive programme partnership) in KA131-HED - Mobility of higher education students and staff projects.

In KA171-HED projects you have the option to link a mobility activity to a Blended intensive programme conducted under KA131-HED. The option to link an mobility activity to a Blended intensive programme is available for: 

  • Student mobility for studies,
  • Staff mobility for teaching, and
  • Staff mobility for training

if the mobility activity was flagged as Blended intensive programme.

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Link a mobility activity in a KA131 or KA171 project to a Blended intensive programme
Link a mobility activity in a KA131 or KA171 project to a Blended intensive programme

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