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Once you are logged in to Mobility Tool+ the following elements are available:
The Home page, which is also accessible from all the other pages and includes all the following elements:
Quick access to Language selector, Alert notifications, logged in User information and logout button.
In About the tool a brief description of Mobility Tool+ is displayed.
The Documentation window allows you to quickly consult the Mobility Tool - Guide for Beneficiaries and Mobility Tool+ Data Dictionary.
Programme selector: Select to display either Erasmus+ or European Solidarity Corps projects. If no selection is made, all projects of both programmes are displayed.
Project lists: Different sections provide an overview of all projects that your organisation is involved in:
My ongoing projects,
Other projects for consultation only (you only have view access to these projects) and
My finished projects relating to Erasmus+, European Solidarity Corps and Lifelong Learning programmes.
The Add/Remove Columns option is available for all lists in Mobility Tool+. It allows you to customise the columns to display in a list.
Some available columns are on the home screen are:
The project references are listed by the Grant Agreement No. Click on the hyperlinked reference to open a project in the Project Details screen.
One column that can be displayed is Changed Organisation Details. If an exclamation mark is displayed in this column, action is required. See MT+ Confirm changed organisation details.
The Project Title also appears in the list of projects.
The Project Status column displays the current status of your project(s).
The Awarded Budget and Declared Budget columns display the allocated amount(s). Details are available under MT+ KA1 and KA3 Budget screen and MT+ KA2 Budget.
Note: The information displayed in column User's role in project varies. Details on the different roles are available under MT+ How to get access.
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The Add/Remove Columns option allows you to select or to deselect columns as well as arrange the order of the columns in the list.
Click the Add/Remove Columns option.
The options appear at the top of the window. Black columns are already selected and displayed in the list view.
Click on the black column to remove it from the list view and click the white column to add it tot the list view. Your changes are reflected immediately.
You can also drag and release a column button to rearrange its position in the list.
Click the green Done button to close the Add/Remove Columns option. The list columns are updated accordingly.
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The current language is displayed at the top of the window.
In our example it is set to EN (for English). To change it, click on change language.
A pop-up window displays the languages catalogue to select from. Click on the desired language.
The Mobility Tool+ user interface is now displayed in the selected language, in our example DE for German.
When you change the language, the selected option is preserved for future sessions.
The Alerts icon in Mobility Tool+ will notify you about any issues that might impact the implementation of KA107 projects you are involved in.
Details on this feature are available under MT+ Alerts and Notifications.
The project tabs are different for KA1/KA3 and KA2 projects.
KA1/KA3 projects include specific tabs for managing Mobilities. The pages under MT+ Manage KA1 and KA3 mobilities provides details on those features.
Mobility projects under KA1 and KA3 display the tabs Organisations, Contacts, Mobilities, Mobility Import-Export, Budget and Reports.
The Inclusion tab will be visible for KA1 and KA3 projects from 2019 onwards.
KA103, KA107, KA102 and KA116 projects will additionally display the Dashboard tab.
KA109 projects only display the Details. Organisations, Contacts and Reports tabs.
KA2 projects display separate tabs for activities and management options. The pages under MT+ Project Outline for KA2 projects provide details on those features.
The information under Project Main Objective in the project details screen for KA2 Strategic Partnerships projects (Call year 2016 onward) indicates the main project objective: Exchanges of Practices or Innovation.
Projects with the main objective Exchange of Practices will not display the tabs Intellectual Outputs and Multiplier Events. These tabs are only available for projects with the main objective Innovation.
From the Project Details screen you have easy access to the project tabs, such as Organisations, Contacts, Project Management and Implementation, Transnational Project Meetings, Intellectual Outputs, Multiplier Events, Learning Teaching and Training Activities, Special Costs, Budget and Reports.
Example: Project with main objective "Innovation"
Example: Project with main objective "Exchanges of Practices"
Additionally, in KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships projects from call year 2018 onward the Partnership Dashboard tab is available.
It is possible to export the KA2 projects from the Project Details screen. Click on the Excel icon for the full export and follow the onscreen instructions to save or immediately open the file.
European Solidarity Corps projects include tabs such as Details, Organisations, Contacts, Participants, Activities, Complementary Activities, Exceptional Costs, Budget, and Report. The availability of these tabs depends on the Action Type.
Example: ESC21 - Traineeship and Job project
Example: ESC31 - Solidarity Projects
Return to the home screen by clicking on the home icon.
Messages appear on the Home screen. They contain information on matters such as tool unavailability, maintenance or information of general interest.
There are four different types of messages:
The Project Status indicates the current status of the project. The different possible statuses are:
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