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A one-to-one relationship of a participant to a group activity is referred to as a "Participation". This individual participation outlines the costs, allowances duration etc, for that person's involvement in that activity.
There are two main ways to complete the participation details: from the Participant tab or the Activity tab.
For participants in cross-border activities, participation details will be transferred to the insurance company for the enrolment of the participants, after you have confirmed they are complete.
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Before you can create a participation, you must first add participants to your project as well as update/create Activities.
In order to pair an activity with a participant it is worth noting the details of the offer accepted by the participant. This can be done in the European Solidarity Corps Portal and/or when viewing the participant details. To view the offer title in the list of participants, add the Offer title column to your list view in the Participants tab of your project. Similarly, add the column to display the number of Participations, to check which participants are not yet linked to an activity.
In order to create a participation the basic steps from either the activities list or the participant list are the same:
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Once a participation has been associated to a certain activity, the activity can no longer be deleted, nor can the activity type or host organisation be changed. Should you need co change any of these details, you must do the following:
Here is a graphic overview of how to add a participation via the Participants tab and the Activities tab, respectively. Depending on the support you are using to read this page, you may need to scroll sideways to view both graphics.
Adding a participation via the Participants tab
Adding a participation via the Activities tab
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Open the Participants tab in Mobility Tool+. The list of participants is displayed. If no Young Person participants are displayed, you need to retrieve the participant details from EYP. Participants of type Accompanying Person and Representatives of organisations in Advance Planning Visits have to be manually added. It is advisable to view the participant details for young participants imported from the European Youth Portal before creating the participation. Thus you are sure to create the participation for the correct activity. In the list of participants you can add the columns Offer title and Offer ID. Those two columns might also help if the offer title corresponds to an activity title.
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To create participations, access the Activities tab in your project. The list of activities is displayed.
Complete the participation After a participant has been added to the activity, the participation remains in Draft mode and has to be completed.
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Another option to create participations from the Activities tab in Mobility Tool+ is via the Show full list option.
Complete the participation After the participants were added to the activity, the participations are still in Draft and have to be completed. Click Edit for the participant you wish to update. |
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After a participant is associated to a specific activity, the participation is still in Draft and has to be completed.
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In the newly opened screen, you find:
Top navigation tabs for the various sections of the participation to be updated and/or checked. Clicking on one of the tabs will bring you to the specific section on the screen.
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The available tabs vary per action, activity type and participant type. For example, the linguistic support section is not displayed for Representatives of organisations in Advance Planning Visits and for Accompanying persons. Read the onscreen information carefully to avoid incorrect entries. |
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If the Host Organisation Legal Name and Country and City information is not displayed, you will be unable to complete the participation. Update/complete the activity information first, then complete the participation. |
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For ESC11 - Volunteering Projects and ESC13 - Volunteering Partnerships Annual projects, the Main Location of the activity drop-down list is displayed, provided the organisation has a 2019 Quality Label with pre-defined locations. It contains all possible locations for the specific activity. Select the appropriate location for the current participation.
Depending on the amount of possible locations chosen in the associated activity, one or multiple options become available.
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The first part of the participation information are the Participant details. Provide the required information in the available fields. Certain fields (such as date of birth) are pre-filled with the participant information retrieved by the European Youth Portal and cannot be changed.Mandatory fields are indicated by an orange value required box.
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For information and guidance on Force Majeure due to COVID-19, please see ESC MT+ Force majeure guidance due to Coronavirus.
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The fields Start and End date of the activity offered are pre-populated with the offer information received from the portal, if the created participation is for a Young Person. It is possible to edit those dates.
For participants of type Accompanying Person or Representative of organisation in Advance Planning Visits, enter the dates manually.
The greyed out Duration fields will calculate and update accordingly. You have the option to enter the value of the Travel Days (max. 2) and enter any Interruption (days), if needed.
The light blue boxes on top of certain fields provide guidance on the minimum/maximum values allowed.
Should your entry result in a rule violation, warning messages in red are displayed. You must make the necessary corrections.
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Use the available drop-down lists to provide the required information such as Main Instruction/Work/Volunteering language, Other Used languages and if the participant is a native speaker.
Use the drop-down list available to indicate if the Online Linguistic Support Course Licence and Linguistic Support Grant are required.
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In the Travel section of the participation certain information (such as Country of activity) is pre-populated.
Select the Distance Band from the drop-down. To confirm the correct distance band, use the distance calculator on the European Solidarity Corps webpage.
The Total Travel Grant is then calculated and updated automatically, according to the activity type and distance band selected.
The grant for Exceptional Costs For Expensive Travel can be requested only if the standard travel grant based on the cost per distance band (Total Travel Grant) does not cover at least 70% of the actual travel costs.
Should such funding be required for the participant, set the available drop-down in the travel section to Yes. Enter the required information in the newly available fields.
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It is not possible to use both the Travel Grant and the Exceptional Costs for Expensive Travel for the same participation, as they are mutually exclusive. |
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The sections Organisational Support, Inclusion Support and Pocket money are pre-filled and auto-calculated. The respective Duration (in days) fields can be updated; the value entered cannot be higher than the funded duration.
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Inclusion Support is only available if the participant is a young person with fewer opportunities or special needs. The Pocket Money section is not available for participants and/or activities of type Advance Planning Visit. |
If needed, exceptional costs can be requested. Enter the amount in the Exceptional Costs field and provide a Description and Justification in the newly displayed comment field.
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The sections Relocation Allowanceis pre-populated and auto-calculated. The respective Duration (in days) fields can be updated; the value entered cannot be higher than the funded duration.
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Relocation Allowanceis not available for participants and/or activities of type Advance Planning Visit and for participants of type Accompanying Person. |
Once all information for the participation is entered, the participation is marked as Complete.
The Total Grant (calculated) displays the calculated amount of all sections:
Click Save to save the changes.
Navigate back to the Participants or Activities tab. The participation is now marked as Complete.
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Remove a participationRemoving a participation via the activities tab
Note: This action does not remove the participant from the project. All participant information stays available in Mobility Tool+. Removing a participation via the "Participants" tab
Note: This action does not remove the participant from the project. All participant information remains available in Mobility Tool+.
Update a participationUpdate a participation via the activities tab
Update a participation via the participants tab
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