In 2019, a communication campaign on wild pollinators was implemented, in order to reach out to school kids aged 8-12. The main goal was to raise awareness about the importance of pollinators for our health, food security and the health of our planet, and to show what everybody can do to help pollinators thrive.
The campaign aimed to build synergies between different World Bee Day events in Europe through the hashtag #EUPollinators – a hashtag that shifts the focus from bees to all pollinators.
For the occasion, a visual toolkit to support local education activities was designed - you can download it here. Feel free to use these materials for any communication activity on pollinators!
This campaign was made possible thanks to our partner EAZA - European Association of Zoos and Aquariums, botanical gardens and naturalist museums - and the many organisations who responded to our call. A total of 25 partner institutions in 12 EU countries (France, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, UK, Sweden, Poland, Romania, Slovenia):
- Parc Zoo du Reynou
- Zoo Amiens Metropole
- Planète Sauvage
- Zoo Lyon
- Parc Animalier de Sainte Croix
- Zoo de Montpellier
- La Vallée des Singes
- Zoodyssée
- Dublin Zoo
- Zoo delle Maitine
- Bioparco di Sicilia
- Parco Natura Viva
- Parco Zoo Punta Verde
- Naturschutz-Tierpark Görlitz-Zgorzelec
- Wilhelma Zoological and botanical garden
- Stichting Apenheul
- Zoo of Gdańsk
- Associação de Municípios Parque das Serras do Porto
- Parque Biologico de Gaia
- Jardim Zoologico de Lisboa
- Bucharest Zoo
- Ljubljana zoo
- Barcelona Science Museum
- Järvzoo - Nordic Wildlife Park
- Nescot College
- Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust