Page History
Table of Contents |
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Annexes A (Ch. 2): General
A | General | |
a1a | Glossary of terms | |
a2a | Eligibility programmes 2014-2020 | |
a2a1 | Eligibility programmes 2021-2027 | |
a2c | Eligibility without a basic act | |
a3 | Declaration of objectivity and confidentiality | |
a4 | Declaration of absence of conflict of interest and confidentiality | |
A5 | Notices | |
a5a | Cancellation notice | |
a5b | Change to the contract notice | |
a5c | Notice for modification of contract | |
a5d | Prior information notice | |
a5e | Contract notice | |
a5f | Additional information about the contract notice | |
a5g | Award notice | |
a6 | Explanatory note | |
a7 | Receipt for hand delivered requests to participate / tenders / proposals | |
a8 | Invitation to tender for amendment | |
a9 | Cover letter for submission of contract / addendum | |
a10a | Evaluation report for negotiated procedures (procurement), single tenders (procurement) and direct awards (grants) | |
A11 | Guidelines | |
a11b | Guidelines for the drafting of IT tenders’ technical specifications in the field of external actions | |
a11c | Guidelines for the drafting of technical specifications for office furniture tenders in the field of external actions | |
a11d | Guidelines for the drafting of technical specifications for vehicle tenders in the field of external actions | |
a11e | Guidelines publication | |
a12a | Annex V to Decision No 3/90 of the ACP-EEC Council of Ministers of 29 March 1990 adopting the general regulations, the general conditions and the rules governing the conciliation and arbitration procedure for contracts financed under the EDF | |
a12b | PRAG procedural rules on conciliation and arbitration | |
a13 | Privacy statement | |
a14a | Declaration on honour on exclusion and selection criteria for procurement | |
a14b | Declaration on honour on exclusion and selection criteria for grants |
Annexes B (Ch. 3): Service contracts
B | Service contracts | |
b2b | Summary contract notice – Local publication | |
b3 | Standard request to participate form | |
b4 | Long list | |
b5 | Shortlist report | |
b7 | Letter to candidates who have not been short-listed | |
B8 | Standard tender dossier (including standard contract) | |
b8a | Letter of invitation to tender | |
b8b | Instructions to tenderers | |
b8c1 | Draft contract: Main conditions | |
b8c2 | Draft contract: Special conditions | |
b8d | Draft contract: General conditions (Annex I) | |
b8e | Draft contract: Terms of reference Fee-based (Annex II) | |
b8f | Draft contract: Terms of reference Global (Annex II) | |
b8g | Draft contract: Organisation & methodology (Annex III) | |
b8h | List of profiles of key experts (Annex IV) | |
B8i | Draft contract: Budget (Annex V) | |
b8i1 | Budget for a global-price contract | |
b8i2 | Budget breakdown for a fee-based contract | |
B8j | Draft contract: Forms and other relevant documents (Annex VI) | |
b8j2 | Pre-financing guarantee template (Annex VI) | |
b8j3 | Identification form (individual) | |
b8j4 | Identification form (private companies) | |
b8j5 | Identification form (public bodies) | |
b8j6 | VAT instructions | |
b8k1 | Expenditure verification: Terms of reference and report of factual findings (Annex VII) | |
b8k2 | Expenditure verification: table of transactions and table of errors (Annex VII) | |
b8k3 | Timesheet for experts | |
b8l | Administrative compliance grid | |
b8m1 | Evaluation grid (fee-based) | |
b8m2 | Evaluation grid (global price) | |
b8n | Tender submission form | |
b8o | Simplified tender dossier (for the simplified procedure and for the single tender procedure) | |
b8p | Tax and customs arrangements | |
b9 | Tender opening checklist | |
b10 | Tender opening report | |
b10a | Specimen open record eSubmission | |
b11a | Evaluation report | |
b11b | Award decision | |
b11c | Notice to the presumed successful tenderer | |
b12a | Evaluators grid (fee-based) | |
b12b | Evaluators grid (global price) | |
b13a1 | Notification letter to awarded tenderer – Indirect Management | |
b13a2 | Notification letter to awarded tenderer – Direct Management | |
b13c1 | Letter to unsuccessful tenderer – Indirect Management | |
b13c2 | Letter to unsuccessful tenderer – Direct Management | |
b14 | Pre-information letter on liquidated damages | |
b15 | Contractor assessment form | |
b16 | Addendum to contract | |
b17 | Budget modification to a contract |
Annexes C (Ch. 4): Supplies
C | Supplies | |
c2 | Contract notice for simplified and negotiated procedures | |
c3 | Summary contract notice – local advertisement | |
C4 | Standard tender dossier (including standard contract) | |
c4a | Letter of invitation to tender | |
c4b | Instructions to tenderers | |
c4c | Draft contract: main conditions | |
c4d | Draft contract : special conditions | |
c4e | Draft contract : general conditions (Annex I) | |
c4f | Technical specifications (Annex II) & technical offer (Annex III) | |
c4g | Financial offer (Annex IV) | |
c4h | Performance guarantee (Annex V) | |
c4i | Pre-financing guarantee (Annex V) | |
c4j | Administrative compliance grid | |
c4k | Evaluation grid | |
c4l | Tender submission form | |
c4m | Tax and customs arrangements (Annex V) | |
c4n | Tender guarantee | |
c4o2 | Identification form (individual) | |
c4o3 | Identification form (private companies) | |
c4o4 | Identification form (public bodies) | |
c4p | VAT instructions | |
c5 | Tender opening checklist | |
c6 | Tender opening report | |
c7a | Evaluation report | |
c7b | Award decision | |
c8a1 | Notification letter to tenderers – Indirect Management | |
c8a2 | Notification letter to tenderers – Direct Management | |
c8b1 | Letter to unsuccessful tenderers – Indirect Management | |
c8b2 | Letter to unsuccessful tenderers – Direct Management | |
c10 | Contractor assessment form | |
c11 | Provisional and final acceptance | |
c12 | Addendum to contract | |
c13 | Budget modification | c13_budgetmodif_en.docx |
Annexes D (Ch. 5): Works
D | Works | |
d3 | Summary contract notice – local advertisement | |
D4.1.1 | Standard tender dossier (including standard contract) - VOLUME 1 - Section 1 | |
d4a | Letter of invitation to tender | |
d4b | Instructions to tenderers | |
D4.1.2 | Standard tender dossier (including standard contract) - VOLUME 1 - Section 2 | |
d4c | Tender form | |
D4.1.3 | Standard tender dossier (including standard contract) - VOLUME 1 - Section 3 | |
d4d | Tender guarantee | |
D4.1.4 | Standard tender dossier (including standard contract) - VOLUME 1 - Section 4 | |
d4e | Technical offer questionnaire | |
d4f | Technical offer form 4.1 | |
d4g | Technical offer form 4.2 | |
d4h | Technical offer form 4.3 | |
d4i | Technical offer form 4.4 | |
d4j2 | Identification form (individual) | |
d4j3 | Identification form (private companies) | |
d4j4 | Identification form (public bodies) | |
d4k | Technical offer form 4.6 | |
D4.1.5 | Standard tender dossier (including standard contract) - VOLUME 1 - Section 5 | |
d4l | Administrative compliance grid | |
d4m | Evaluation grid | |
D4.2 | Standard tender dossier (including standard contract) - VOLUME 2 | |
d4n | Draft contract: main conditions | |
d4o | Draft contract: special conditions | |
d4p | Draft contract: general conditions | |
d4q | Pre-financing guarantee | |
d4r | Performance Guarantee | |
d4s | Retention guarantee | |
d4t | Tax and customs arrangements | |
D4.3 | Standard tender dossier (including standard contract) - VOLUME 3 | |
d4u | Technical specifications | |
D4.4 | Standard tender dossier (including standard contract) - VOLUME 4 | |
d4v | Financial interpretative note | |
d4w | Financial offer lump sum contracts | |
d4x | Financial offer unit price contracts | |
D4.5 | Standard tender dossier (including standard contract) - VOLUME 5 | |
d4y | Design drawings | |
d5 | Tender opening checklist | |
d6 | Tender opening report | |
d7a | Evaluation report | |
d7b | Award decision | |
d8a1 | Notification letter – Indirect Management | |
d8a2 | Notification letter – Direct Management | |
d8b1 | Letter to unsuccessful tenderers – Indirect Management | |
d8b2 | Letter to unsuccessful tenderers – Direct Management | |
d10 | Contractor assessment form | |
d11 | Addendum to contract | |
d12 | Budget modification | |
ds1 | Tender dossier for simplified tender procedure |
Annexes E (Ch. 6): Grants
E | Grants | |
e2 | Local publication | |
E3 | Guidelines for grant applicants | |
e3a | Guidelines for grant applicants (indirect management) | |
e3aP | Guidelines for grant applicants (PROSPECT) | |
e3a1 | Annex J – Information on the tax regime applicable to grant contracts | |
e3a2 | Annex K - Additional clarifications on financing not linked to costs | |
e3b | Application form (indirect management) | |
e3bP | Application form – Annexes A.1 and A.2 - Concept note and full application (PROSPECT) | |
e3c | Annex B – Budget | |
e3d | Annex C – Logical framework | |
e3e1 | Annex D – Identification form (natural person) | |
e3e2 | Annex D – Identification form (private or public law body with legal form) | |
e3e3 | Annex D – Identification form (private or public law body with legal form) | |
e3f | Annex E | Not applicable |
e3h1 | Annex G – Standard grant contract (special conditions) | |
e3h2 | Annex G – Annex II – General conditions | |
e3h3 | Annex G – Annex IV – Procurement rules for beneficiaries | |
e3h4 | Annex G – Annex V – Standard request for payment | |
e3h5 | Annex G – Annex VI (1) – Model narrative and financial report (Interim narrative report) | |
e3h6 | Annex G – Annex VI (2) – Model narrative and financial report (Final narrative report) | |
e3h7a | Annex G – Annex VI (3) – Model narrative and financial report for cost-based actions (Financial report) | |
e3h7b | Annex G – Annex VI (3) – Model narrative and financial report for hybrid actions (Financial report) | |
e3h7c | Annex G – Annex VI (3) – Model narrative and financial report for FNLC actions (Financial report) | |
e3h8a | Annex G – Annex VII-A – Expenditure verification: terms of reference and report of factual findings (Annex VII) | |
e3h8b | Annex G – Annex VII-A – Expenditure verification: table of transactions and table of errors (Annex VII) | |
e3h8c | Annex G – Annex VII-B – Third party assessment: terms of reference for assessors | |
e3h9 | Annex G – Annex VIII – Model financial guarantee | |
e3h10 | Annex G – Annex IX - Standard template for transfer of ownership of assets | |
e3h11 | Derogations international organisations/pillar assessed entities | |
e4a | Terms of reference for assessors | |
e4b | Guidelines for assessors | |
e5a | Concept note evaluation grid | |
e5b | Evaluation grid full application form | |
e6a | Evaluation report step 1 — Opening and & administrative checks and concept note evaluation (indirect management) | |
e6b | Evaluation report steps 2 and 3 — Full application evaluation (indirect management) | |
e8 | Letter to delegation evaluation | |
e9a | Letter step 1 (indirect management) | |
e9b | Letter steps 2 and 3 (indirect management) | |
e10 | Addendum to contract | |
e11a | Award decision | |
e11b | Cancellation notice | |
e12a | Financial Framework partnership agreement | |
e13 | Annex F – PADOR offline registration form | |
e14 | Annex L – Self-evaluation questionnaire on SEA-H |