In the Beneficiary module, when adding or updating mobility activities, you will be asked to provide information regarding the Sending and/or Receiving organisation for the activity. To add the relevant organisation: - Use the Selectbutton displayed below the relevant field.
Image Modified - A pop-up window opens, containing the list of organisations participating in your project. Click on the organisation you want to choose. It will be highlighted in the list.
- Click on the Selectbutton. The pop-up will close.
- The Sending or Receiving organisation information in the From-To section is updated with the details of the selected organisation.
- The fields Sending/Receiving country and Sending/Receiving city remain editable and can be changed, according to your needs.
Note |
In some projects, the Receiving organisation can be selected from a drop-down list, instead of the Select button. |
See the relevant Mobility activity pages for details, for each action type.
Expand |
title | Click here to view examples of the "Sending/Receiving organisation" information in the "From-To" section, after selection. |
Click on the relevant tab below: Composition Setup |
---| = 10px |
Deck of Cards |
| Card |
Card |
| In Higher education projects, the field Sending/Receiving organisation Erasmus code is also displayed and read-only.
Card |
label | KA122 project with Receiving organisation drop-down list |
| In this example, the Receiving organisation can be selected from a drop-down list.