Access the "Import-export" section in the projectIn your project, click on Import-Export in the Content menu to open the Import-Export screen, displaying: - Import export type - a drop-down to select the type of action to be performed, either import, or export.
- Actions - a section from where you can:
- export mobilities, and you can choose the category of mobility activities - either selectively, only those in status Complete, or more extensively, those in the Draft and Complete statuses, or
- import mobility activities.
- Import/Export status - a list of the imported or exported files, with an indication of the total number of files in the list.

Select "Mobility Group" from the drop-down list in the "Import export type" section
Select to export Draft and/or Draft+Complete group mobility activities in the "Actions" sectionUse the available radio buttons to select if you want to export Draft + Complete, or only Complete group mobility activities. 
Depending on the file format in which you want to export the group mobility activities, click on either the Export XLXS or the Export CSV buttons. 
File download startsA notification message displays, informing you about the export process. In the Import/Export status list, the status of the export is initially Requested. Click on reload to refresh the list, to check the progress. 
Click on the name of the exported file and follow the instructions on the screen to download it on your local deviceWhen the file export is ready, its status will become Exported. Click on the file name and follow the instructions on the screen to download it on your local device. The file name is generally composed of the following: the project number, followed by the date and time of the export, e.g. 2024-1-IT02-KA122-ADU-000019080-KA122-ADU-22-07-2024-08-22-13-.xlsx The downloaded file will contain information on either all, or only the completed group mobility activities, including the information on the subgroups, as currently available in the project. 