Method Type | Emissions EEC, EL, EP, EP, ETD, EU | Reductions ESCA, ECCS, ECCR | Total GHG for the Raw Material | Total GHG for the Fuel |
The RM Comments |
The Fuel Comments |
TDV | Emissions should not be set. | Reductions should not be set. | The GHG Total value should not be set. | The GHG Total value must exceed zero. |
DDV | There are no restrictions for the emissions fields; their total should align with the GHG Total value. | Reductions should not be set. | The GHG Total value is the cumulative sum of the DDV values. | 1. The GHG Total value is the cumulative sum of the DDV values.2. The GHG Total value must exceed zero.
| Do not accept values unless the matching DDV drop-down value is provided. The total GHG can be zero if and only if at least one of the drop-down values matches the DDV value. | Do not accept values unless the matching DDV drop-down value is provided. |
DDV_AV | Enabled: either DDV or DDV and given value or AV and given value | Enabled: given value will be considered as AV value (reductions for DDV not allowed by default) | Greyed out with given value | Greyed out with given value | At least one of drop-down values should be with the DDV or AV value. Not to accept values provided without choosing the drop-down DDV or AV. To apply a check: “Total GHG should be greater than 0”Only the ETD emission can be added (not mandatory) for a Fuel. | At least one of drop-down values should be with the DDV or AV value. Not to accept values provided without choosing the drop-down DDV or AV. To apply a check: “Total GHG should be greater than 0” |
AV | There are no restrictions for the emissions fields | There are no restrictions for thereductions. | 1.The GHG Total value must exceed zero. 2.the GHG Total value should match the sum of all Emission and Reduction fields. | 1.The GHG Total value must exceed zero. 2.the GHG Total value should match the sum of all Emission and Reduction fields. | To apply checks: 1 The GHG Total value must exceed zero.2.the GHG Total value should match the sum of all Emission and Reduction fields. Do not accept values unless the matching AV drop-down value is provided.Only the ETD emission can be added (not mandatory) for a Fuel | To apply checks: 1. The GHG Total value must exceed zero.2.the GHG Total value should match the sum of all Emission and Reduction fields. Do not accept values unless the matching AV drop-down value is provided. |
DDV_NUTS2 | the Raw Material case: EEC field value fetching from NUTS2_DEFINITION Table | Reductions should not be set. | 1.The GHG Total value must exceed zero. 2.the GHG Total value should match the sum of all Emission and Reduction fields. | 1.The GHG Total value must exceed zero. 2.the GHG Total value should match the sum of all Emission and Reduction fields. | To apply checks: 1. The GHG Total value must exceed zero.2.the GHG Total value should match the sum of all Emission and Reduction fields. 3.the original Pos of consignment should have DDV_NUTS2 or NUTS2 Do not accept values unless the matching DDV drop-down value is provided. To check the Nuts2 material and matching country. | NA |
NUTS2 | the Raw Material case: EEC field value fetching from NUTS2_DEFINITION Table | Reductions should not be set. | 1.The GHG Total value must exceed zero. 2.the GHG Total value should match the sum of all Emission and Reduction fields. | 1.The GHG Total value must exceed zero. 2.the GHG Total value should match the sum of all Emission and Reduction fields. | To apply checks: 1. The GHG Total value must exceed zero.2.the GHG Total value should match the sum of all Emission and Reduction fields. 3.the original Pos of consignment should have DDV_NUTS2 or NUTS2 Do not accept values unless the matching DDV drop-down value is provided. To check the Nuts2 material and matching country. | NA |