- Voluntary Scheme Recognition:
- An email confirming that the Voluntary scheme has nominated the Access Point / Service provide need to be sent to UDB Mailbox EC-UNION-DB@ec.europa.eu
- Technical Readiness:
- UDB Expects that the Service provider can provide the proof of testing of all the mandatory services. (Request and Response pairs)
- For Service provide action for VS Services - The Excel sheet SP_VS_Service_Readiness_Company.xlsx which has to be filled along with the tested services request and response in zip file and send to UDB Mailbox EC-UNION-DB@ec.europa.eu
- For Service provide action for EO Services - The Excel sheet SP_EO_Service_Readiness_Company.xlsx which has to be filled along with the tested services request and response in zip file and send to UDB Mailbox EC-UNION-DB@ec.europa.eu
- UDB team will validate the request and response and decide with the Policy team to approve the Service provider.
- DG ENER shall approve the onboarding into UDB live environment.
- Connectivity Readiness
- Post Step1 above the Service provider need to request for Production onboarding. The url for Production should be different from Acceptance
- A new Party ID will be assigned to every Service provider unique for Production
- The complete onboarding process of Acceptance needs to be repeated for Production
- Enable Party ID at UDB
- UDB will then enable the incoming traffic from the Party Id.
- Voluntary Scheme Recognition:
- An EO is able to choose one or more of the Access Providers nominated by any of the Voluntary Schemes.
- An email from the Access Point provider with the list of economic operators (NTR ID) that will use this access point to connect to be sent to EC-UNION-DB@ec.europa.eu.
- Please use this excel : EO_AP_LIST.xlsx
- Technical Readiness:
- UDB Expects that the Access Point Service provider can provide the proof of testing of all the mandatory services. (Request and Response pairs) for each group of economic operators who have tested.
- Scenario 1. An X parent company has 100 EOs and the X company directly connects to Access point and then to UDB then we just need 1 set proof that all mandatory services have been tested by this parent company. In the Original Sender field of the SOAP should be filled with the NTR ID of the parent company for UDB to validate the request
- Scenario 2: An EO directly connect to Access point and then to UDB then we need individually proof of testing of mandatory service for each of these EOs. In the Original Sender field of the SOAP should be filled with the NTR ID of the parent company for UDB to validate the request.
- The Excel sheet AP_EO_Service_Readiness_EO_EOID.xlsx which which has to be filled along with the tested services request and response in zip file and send to UDB Mailbox EC-UNION-DB@ec.europa.eu
- UDB team will validate the request and response and decide with the Policy team to approve the Access Point provider.
- DG ENER shall approve the onboarding into UDB live environment.
- UDB Expects that the Access Point Service provider can provide the proof of testing of all the mandatory services. (Request and Response pairs) for each group of economic operators who have tested.
- Connectivity Readiness
- Post Step1 above the Access point provider need to request for Production onboarding. The url for Production should be different from Acceptance
- A new Party ID will be assigned to every Access Point provider unique for Production
- The complete onboarding process of Acceptance needs to be repeated for Production
- Enable Party ID at UDB
- UDB will then enable the incoming traffic from the Party Id.