In the Organisation Registration system an enhanced verification has been introduced for the VAT field. The VAT number of an organisation in ORS must adhere to the national formatting rules. However, this does not imply a direct verification of the validity of the specified VAT number in ORS. Such checks may be implemented during the organisation validation and certification process by the National Agencies.
Note |
| In ORS theVAT number field cannot contain spaces or dots (.), even if this is allowed in the national format. For example, for Belgium the format used is BE 0999.999.999, but must be specified as BE0999999999. |
If you try to introduce a VAT code that does not adhere to the formatting rules for your country, or if you try to edit an existing organisation, where the VAT code does not meet the enhanced validation rules, you will no longer be able to save your changes until the VAT code has been corrected.
Depending on the selected type of organisation, the VAT number may or may not be required. The VAT number is not applicable to natural persons or organisations exempted from VAT: 
The VAT number is required for the selected type of organisation and registration country in our example:  Here is an example of a valid VAT number format for the registration country:

Here as example of an invalid VAT number format for the registration country: 
For further information on applied rules and validation of VAT numbers, see: FAQs on VIES (VAT Information Exchange System). |