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Labour force

Farm labour force in the European Union (EU) is difficult to describe because agriculture is still dominated by family farms, where family members provide labour input at different times of the year, not always in a regular manner. Family members contributing to farm work do not always receive a salary but rather participate in the profit made by the holding. Many farmers and farm workers pursue agriculture as a part-time activity and agriculture is characterised by seasonal labour peaks, where large numbers of workers may be hired for a relatively short period of time. The most commonly used sources of statistical data on labour use in EU agriculture are the national accounts (NA), the farm structure survey (FSS) and the labour force survey (LFS). The farm structure data is used when a detailed analysis of the farm labour force is needed. Labour force data in IFS is provided in number of persons in different categories by gender, age class (holder and manager only) and the work time on the holding. Work time is assessed in annual work units (AWU) due to the high share of part-time work in agriculture. However the details of the information vary by survey year, country and legal personality of the holding.

Labour force on the agricultural holding

Labour force on the agricultural holding includes all persons having completed their compulsory education (having reached school-leaving age) who carried out farm work on the agricultural holding during the 12 months ending on the reference day of the survey. All persons of retirement age who continue to work on the agricultural holding are also included in the farm labour force.

Age of compulsory education

If national legislation does not indicate the minimum age of full-time and part-time compulsory education, 15 years is to be taken as the conventional school-leaving age.


Figure 36 Figure 38 – Duration of compulsory education/training and student's age-groups (2016-17)


The observation period for the farm labour force may be less than 12 months, but the information to be provided has to be given on a 12-month basis. The labour force on the holding is separated into farm labour force and labour force that is not directly employed by the holding.


Figure 36 37 – Labour force categories


Note. * denotes that FLF_D_RFAM_M_PC and FLF_D_RFAM_F_PC exclude the sole holder. 

Farm labour force on the holding

The term farm labour force refers to direct labour force i.e. persons directly employed by the holding. Within the farm labour force on the holding, we distinguish the work of the manager, the work of the holder and their family members and non-family labour force directly employed by the holding (which is either regularly employed or non-regularly employed). The distinction between family workers and employees does not follow the guidelines used in the Labour Force Survey nor in the Economic Accounts for Agriculture. In the Economic Accounts for Agriculture, if a family member receives a salary, they are considered as salaried, if not they are considered self-employed (non-salaried).

<strong>Family workers vs. employees in Labour Force Survey</strong> <a href="#farm_labour" aria-describedby="footnote-label" id="farm_labour-ref"></a>

Family workers

Persons who help another member of the family to run an agricultural holding or other business, provided they are not considered as employees. Persons working in a family business or on a family farm without pay should be living in the same household as the owner of the business or farm, or in a slightly broader interpretation, in a house located on the same plot of land and with common household interests. Such people frequently receive remuneration in the form of fringe benefits and payments in kind. However, this applies only when the business is owned or operated by the individual themselves or by a relative. Thus, unpaid voluntary work done for charity should not be included. The category includes:

  • A son or daughter living inside the household and working in the parents' business or on the parents' farm without pay.
  • The spouse who assists their partner in a business, e.g. a haulage contractor, without receiving any formal pay. The category does not include:
  • A relative living elsewhere but coming to help with the business, e.g. during the harvesting season, without pay in money or kind should not be included. If the relative receives any remuneration (including benefits in kind) the professional status should be coded in LFS as an employee.


Persons who work for a public or private employer and who receive compensation in the form of wages, salaries, fees, gratuities, payment by results or payment in kind; non-conscripted members of the armed forces are also included. An employee is usually working for an outside employer, but a son or daughter, for example, who is working in a parent's farm and receives a regular monetary wage is classified in LFS as an employee.

Manager labour input

The information for the farm work of the manager is to be collected under the core variables. Note that for the collection of other gainful activities, in the context of the IFS, if the manager is a member of the holder's family, then they are considered to be family labour force. Otherwise, the manager is considered to be non-family labour force regularly working on the holding (see Figure 38).

Holder labour input

Sole holders who do not carry out farm work on the holding are recorded in the survey, but are not counted for the labour input variables.

Family members carrying out farm work

This item refers to the family members of the holder (and of the holder's spouse) on sole holder holdings carrying out farm work. This item applies only to sole holder holdings, because holding-groups and legal persons are considered not to have family labour force. Family members carrying out farm work (apart from housework) include holder's spouse, their relatives in ascending and descending line, and siblings of the holder and holder's spouse on sole holder holdings. When relevant, includes the manager who is a member of the holder's family. They do not need necessarily to live on the holding. Other relatives (e.g. cousins being engaged in the farm work) could also be included if they are living and working at the agricultural holding together with the family of the manager, or as mentioned above for the labour force survey "have common household interests". In the context of IFS, holding-groups are considered not to have family labour force. As a consequence for holding-groups, data on family members who work regularly for the farm are attributed to non-family labour regularly employed, regardless of their family relation to the manager.

Labour force directly employed by the holding

Labour force regularly employed

Regularly employed labour force refers to persons other than the manager, the holder and family members who carried out farm work every week on the holding during the 12 months ending on the reference day of the survey, irrespective of length of the working week and whether they received any kind of remuneration (salary, wages, profits or other payments, including payments in kind) from the agricultural holding. It also includes persons that were not able to work for the entire period, for reasons such as:

  • special conditions of production on specialised holdings;
  • absence by reason of holidays, military service, sickness, accident or death;
  • commencement or cessation of employment with the holding;
  • complete stoppage of work on the holding due to accidental causes (flooding, fire, etc.)

Non-family labour force employed on a non-regular basis

Non-family labour employed on a non-regular basis are all persons other than the holder and members of his family doing farm work and receiving any kind of remuneration from the agricultural holding who did not work each week on the agricultural holding in the 12 months ending on the reference day of the survey for a reason other than those listed under labour force regularly employed. This category usually covers seasonal work that depends on the natural development of the crops or animals.

Labour force not directly employed by the holding

Persons working on the holding but employed by a third party or under mutual-aid arrangements (e.g. labour supplied by agricultural contractors or cooperatives) are not included in the farm labour force and should be considered only for the labour force not directly employed by the holding.

Labour force not directly employed

Farm labour force not directly employed by the holding refers to the persons who are not directly employed by the agricultural holding, but are self-employed or employed by third parties, e.g. contractors or cooperatives. Activities being collected in IFS under farm labour force not directly employed by the holding are only those that correspond to the definition of farm work.


Figure 37 38 – Farm work and other gainful activities in the agricultural holding

Image RemovedImage Added






Sex of the holder



Year of birth of the holder



Holder's farm work on the agricultural holding

%band AWU

Sex of holder of the holding (SEX_HLD)

The sex of the holder of the holding:

  • M - Male
  • F - Female

Year of birth of the holder (Y_BIRTH_HLD)

The year of birth of the holder of the agricultural holding in the format YYYY

Holder's farm work on the agricultural holding (WH_HLD_AWU_PC)

Percentage band of annual work units (AWU) of farm work on the agricultural holding for the holder, apart from household work.

  • 0
  • > 0  < 25
  • ≥ 25 < 50
  • ≥ 50 < 75
  • ≥ 75 < 100
  • 100

Safety measures, including farm safety plan





Farm safety plan


Farm safety plan (FARM_SPLAN)

The farm has carried out a workplace risk assessment with the aim of reducing the work-related hazards, resulting in a written document (such as a 'farm safety plan'). A template of a farm safety plan can be found in the appendixes of the publication on protection of the health and safety of workers in agriculture, livestock farming, horticulture and forestry

Family members carrying out farm work





Male family members carrying out farm work (1-24)

number per % band of AWU


Male family members carrying out farm work (25-49)

number per % band of AWU


Male family members carrying out farm work (50-74)

number per % band of AWU


Male family members carrying out farm work (75-99)

number per % band of AWU


Male family members carrying out farm work (100)

number per % band of AWU


Female family members carrying out farm work (1-24)

number per % band of AWU


Female family members carrying out farm work (25-49)

number per % band of AWU


Female family members carrying out farm work (50-74)

number per % band of AWU


Female family members carrying out farm work (75-99)

number per % band of AWU


Female family members carrying out farm work (100)

number per % band of AWU

Male family members carrying out farm work (1-24) (FLF_D_RFAM_M_PC1T24)

Number of male family members on the (> 0 - < 25) percentage band of annual work units carrying out farm work.

Male family members carrying out farm work (25-49) (FLF_D_RFAM_M_PC25T49)

Number of male family members on the (≥ 25 - < 50) percentage band of annual work units carrying out farm work.

Male family members carrying out farm work (50-74) (FLF_D_RFAM_M_PC50T74)

Number of male family members on the (≥ 50 - < 75) percentage band of annual work units carrying out farm work.

Male family members carrying out farm work (75-99) (FLF_D_RFAM_M_PC75T99)

Number of male family members on the (≥ 75 - < 100) percentage band of annual work units carrying out farm work.

Male family members carrying out farm work (100) (FLF_D_RFAM_M_PC100)

Number of male family members (100) percentage band of annual work units carrying out farm work.

Female family members carrying out farm work (1-24) (FLF_D_RFAM_F_PC1T24)

Number of female family members on the (> 0 - < 25) percentage band of annual work units carrying out farm work.

Female family members carrying out farm work (25-49) (FLF_D_RFAM_F_PC25T49)

Number of female family members on the (≥ 25 - < 50) percentage band of annual work units carrying out farm work.

Female family members carrying out farm work (50-74) (FLF_D_RFAM_F_PC50T74)

Number of female family members on the (≥ 50 - < 75) percentage band of annual work units carrying out farm work.

Female family members carrying out farm work (75-99) (FLF_D_RFAM_F_PC75T99)

Number of female family members on the (≥ 75 - < 100) percentage band of annual work units carrying out farm work.

Female family members carrying out farm work (100) (FLF_D_RFAM_F_PC100)

Number of female family members on the (100) percentage band of annual work units carrying out farm work.

Labour force directly employed





Male non-family labour force regularly working on the farm (1-24)

number per % band of AWU


Male non-family labour force regularly working on the farm (25-49)

number per % band of AWU


Male non-family labour force regularly working on the farm (50-74)

number per % band of AWU


Male non-family labour force regularly working on the farm (75-99)

number per % band of AWU


Male non-family labour force regularly working on the farm (100)

number per % band of AWU


Female non-family labour force regularly working on the farm (1-24)

number per % band of AWU


Female non-family labour force regularly working on the farm (25-49)

number per % band of AWU


Female non-family labour force regularly working on the farm (50-74)

number per % band of AWU


Female non-family labour force regularly working on the farm (75-99)

number per % band of AWU


Female non-family labour force regularly working on the farm (100)

number per % band of AWU

Labour force directly employed

A farm labour force directly employed by the agricultural holding refers to the persons who are employed by the agricultural holding either as regularly or non-regularly employed labour force.

Male non-family labour force regularly working on the farm (1-24) (FLF_D_RNFAM_M_PC1T24)

Number of non-family labour force males on the (> 0 - < 25) percentage band of annual work units.

Male non-family labour force regularly working on the farm (25-49) (FLF_D_RNFAM_M_PC25T49)

Number of non-family labour force males on the (≥ 25 - < 50) percentage band of annual work units.

Male non-family labour force regularly working on the farm (50-74) (FLF_D_RNFAM_M_PC50T74)

Number of non-family labour force males on the (≥ 50 - < 75) percentage band of annual work units.

Male non-family labour force regularly working on the farm (75-99) (FLF_D_RNFAM_M_PC75T99)

Number of non-family labour force males on the (≥ 75 - < 100) percentage band of annual work units.

Male non-family labour force regularly working on the farm (100) (FLF_D_RNFAM_M_PC100)

Number of non-family labour force males on the (100) percentage band of annual work units.

Female non-family labour force regularly working on the farm (1-24) (FLF_D_RNFAM_F_PC1T24)

Number of non-family labour force females on the (> 0 - < 25) percentage band of annual work units.

Female non-family labour force regularly working on the farm (25-49) (FLF_D_RNFAM_F_PC25T49)

Number of non-family labour force females on the (≥ 25 - < 50) percentage band of annual work units.

Female non-family labour force regularly working on the farm (50-74) (FLF_D_RNFAM_F_PC50T74)

Number of non-family labour force females on the (≥ 50 - < 75) percentage band of annual work units.

Female non-family labour force regularly working on the farm (75-99) (FLF_D_RNFAM_F_PC75T99)

Number of non-family labour force females on the (≥ 75 - < 100) percentage band of annual work units.

Female non-family labour force regularly working on the farm (100) (FLF_D_RNFAM_F_PC100)

Number of non-family labour force females on the (100) percentage band of annual work units.

Non-regular labour force employed by the farm





Non family labour employed on a non-regular basis: male and female

full time working days

Non family labour employed on a non-regular basis: male and female (FLF_D_NR)

Total of full-time working days of persons not regularly employed on the holding.

Labour input by contractors





Persons not employed directly by the agricultural holding and not included in previous categories

full time working days

Persons not employed directly by the agricultural holding and not included in previous categories (FLF_ND)

Total of full-time working days undertaken on the agricultural holding by the persons who are not directly employed by the holding (e.g. sub-contractors employed by third parties)

Other gainful activities

Other gainful activity refers to:


No information on other gainful activities is collected for legal holdings.

Main activity and secondary activity

Other gainful activities can be performed as a main or a secondary activity.

Main activity

Activities which occupy equal or more time than the farm work done for the holding.

Secondary activity

Activities which occupy less time than the farm work done for the holding.


Figure 38 39 – Other gainful activities in the agricultural holding: main vs. secondary 

Minimum level of farm work or of other gainful activities directly related to the farm

The minimum level can be interpreted as the input of a person who was replaced, or if they would need to be replaced if they would stop or interrupt her activity. For example, if the farmer's son helps with the farm work from time to time, but has to interrupt to go to university and the farmer would need to hire another person to carry out the work, then the information on the other gainful activities of the son has to be recorded. The threshold to exclude a family member from the data collection on other gainful activities not directly related to the holding can be approximately one month of work, either continuously or distributed throughout the year.

Type of other gainful activities directly related to the agricultural holding





Provision of health, social or educational services



Tourism, accommodation and other leisure activities






Processing of farm products



Production of renewable energy



Wood processing






Agricultural contractual work (using production means of the agricultural holding)



Non-agricultural contractual work (using production means of the agricultural holding)






Other gainful activities directly related to the agricultural holding n.e.c.


Types of other gainful activities directly related to the agricultural holding

In general terms, other gainful activities should be collected when the activity is of considerable economic importance for a significant number of agricultural holdings. Furthermore, other gainful activities directly related to the holding are activities (other than farm work) should meet the following two conditions: 


Non-agricultural, as well as agricultural work for other agricultural holdings is included. Pure financial investments (such as mutual funds, fixed deposits, bonds, equities, real estate, precious stones or other asset where money is invested with the hope that it will appreciate into a larger sum of money) are excluded. Renting of the land for diverse activities can be applicable, but only if the condition (ii) is satisfied. 


  • Provision of health, social or educational services
  • Tourism, accommodation and other leisure activities
  • Handicraft
  • Processing of farm products
  • Production of renewable energy
  • Forestry
  • Wood processing
  • Aquaculture
  • Contractual work using production means of the holding (agricultural or non-agricultural work)
  • Hunting and fisheries


  • Pure financial investments
  • Commercial activity localised on the holding but not linked to any agricultural activity (for example a hairdresser, an insurance company)
  • Renting agricultural machinery that is not used on the holding
  • Shops where no own products are sold

Provision of health, social or educational services (OGA_HSES)

Presence of any activity, which is linked to the provision of health, social or educational services andor socially related business activities, in which either the holding's resources or its primary products are used.

  • 1 - Yes
  • 0 - No


    • Activities linked to the provision of health, social or educational services
    • Socially related business activities using the holdings resources or its primary products
    • Educational or pedagogical farms
    • Provision of eldercare, childcare and other care-type services (e.g. for handicapped or disabled people, for drug addicts, maternity services, including transport and mobility services)
    • Day care centres
    • Health care centres or health care facilities
    • Pet therapy or animal-assisted therapy
    • Pet accommodation


    • Veterinary services

Tourism, accommodation and other leisure activities (OGA_TAOLA)

Presence of any tourism-related activities, accommodation services, showing the holding to tourists or other groups, sport and recreation activities, etc. where either land, buildings or other resources of the holding are used.

  • 1 - Yes
  • 0 - No


    • All tourism related activities
    • Showing the holding to tourists or other groups
    • Sport and recreation activities
    • Activities that use mainly buildings originally built for agricultural purposes
    • Activities which use mainly buildings originally built for other than agricultural purposes when they improve other activities already available on the holding


    • Activities which use mainly buildings originally built for other than agricultural purposes and which do not improve other activities already available on the holding (for example a new building for a camping), as these are considered a separate commercial activity already available on the holding

Handicraft (OGA_HC)

Presence of manufacture of handicraft items, manufactured on the holding either by the holder or the family members, or by non-family labour force, regardless of how the products are sold.

  • 1 - Yes
  • 0 - No


    • Manufacture of handicraft items, manufactured on the holding by the holder or the family members or by non-family labour force, regardless of how the products are sold
    • Advanced wood processing, such as producing furniture from the timber
    • Pottery

Processing of farm products (OGA_FPRDPRC)

Presence of any processing of a primary agricultural product to a processed secondary product on the holding, regardless of whether the raw material is produced on the holding or bought from outside.

  • 1 - Yes
  • 0 - No


    • Processing of a primary agricultural product to a secondary product on the holding, regardless whether the raw material is produced on the holding or bought from the outside.
    • The sale of farm products directly to the consumers where the processing of the product is taking place on the holding
    • The package of the products where it significantly increases the marketing possibilities (if it is not a standard marketing characteristic in the region)
    • Processing of meat
    • Making cheese
    • Wine processing if the bought-in proportion of wine is significant
    • Olive oil processing if the bought-in proportion of olive oil is significant


    • Sale of farm products directly to consumers, where the processing of the product is not taking place on the holding as this is considered a farm activity
    • Sale of milk directly to neighbours (as no processing is required)
    • Sale of surplus of farm products originally meant for self-consumption only
    • Activities which are regarded as part of the agricultural activity, such as wine processing or olive oil production when the bought-in part of wine or olive oil is not significant.| According to the FADN manual (RI CC1680), all processing of farm products are considered as other gainful activities, unless the processing is regarded as part of the agricultural activity. Wine processing and olive oil production are considered as agriculture unless the bought-in proportion of wine or olive oil is significant, in which case they become OGA. All processing of a primary agricultural product to a processed secondary product on the holding, regardless of whether the raw material is produced on the holding or bought from outside are considered as OGA. The same manual states that the processing of wine products will be considered as an agricultural activity as long as it is mainly based on grapes from the farm with rules agreed and summarised in paragraphs below (this approach between agricultural activity vs. OGA was presented to and accepted by MS in the 185th FADN Committee Meeting. Reference document RI CC 1662):
    • Processing wine and olive oil is considered as an agricultural activity unless the bought-in proportion of wine or olive oil is significant. The significant level is defined as 10% or higher share in value
    • The 10% ceiling for wine and olive oil production would apply for the normal situation and in exceptional circumstances a higher share of purchased products is allowed. In duly justified case and at the request of a Member State, the Commission services may authorise exception from the 10% ceiling when in a specific area it is a common practice to purchase a larger share of products. The share of purchased inputs may not exceed 33%
    • For wine and olive oil production, if the share of grapes andor olives purchased to incorporate into further processing into wine or olive oil is 10% or more (in value), this activity is not considered as an agricultural activity but as an OGA directly related to the farm

Production of renewable energy (OGA_NRGRPRD)

Presence of production of renewable energy for the market including biogas, biofuels or electricity, by wind turbines, other equipment or from agricultural raw materials. Renewable energy produced only for the holding's own use is not included. It also includes energy produced from non-agricultural products of the farm (wood logs, chips), but if the farm is exclusively selling those products for energy to be produced elsewhere, the farm is not considered to be "producing renewable energy".

  • 1 - Yes
  • 0 - No


    • Farms producing renewable energy in the holding that is sold to a company, including biogas, biofuels, electricity produced by wind turbines or other equipment or from agricultural raw materials
    • Farms producing renewable energy on the holding from non-agricultural raw materials, such as wood logs, chips, pellets and briquettes, or short rotation coppice


    • Farms renting out the land for the establishment of wind mills
    • Farms that sell agricultural inputs (such as wastes, straw, rice husks, nut shells, poultry litter, crushed grape dregs, etc.) that are used to produce renewable energy elsewhere
    • Farms that produce renewable energy for the holding's own use

Wood processing (OGA_WPRC)

Presence of raw wood processing on the holding for the market (sawing timber, etc.).

  • 1 - Yes
  • 0 - No


    • Processing of raw wood on the holding, for the market, such as sawing timber (NACE C16.1)
    • Manufacture of wooden containers (NACE C16.24)
    • Manufacture or fire logs and pellets for energy, made of pressed wood (NACE C16.29)
    • Manufacture of mirror or picture frames (NACE C16.29)


    • Logging (NACE A02.20) (OGA_FOR)
    • Further processing of wood, such as producing furniture (NACE C31 and C32) (OGA_HC)  

Aquaculture (OGA_AQUA)

Presence of fish, crayfish etc. production on the holding. Activities involving only fishing are excluded.

  • 1 - Yes
  • 0 - No


    • Production of fish, crayfish, etc. in artificial environment on the holding
    • Production of fish in rivers, sea, etc. if either the resources of the holding (land, buildings, machinery, agricultural products) or the products of the holding are used for the activity


    • Activities involving only fishing

Contractual work (using production means of the holding)

Refers to contractual work using the equipment of the holding, differentiating between work that is within or outside the agricultural sector.

Agricultural contractual work (using production means of the holding) (OGA_ACW)

Presence of work that is within the agricultural sector

  • 1 - Yes
  • 0 - No

Non-agricultural contractual work (using production means of the holding) (OGA_NACW)

Presence of work that is outside the agricultural sector

  • 1 - Yes
  • 0 - No


    • Clearing snow
    • Haulage work
    • Land terracing
    • Drainage
    • Preparation of rice paddies
    • Agricultural environmental services
      • Landscape care and maintenance
      • Gardening


    • Landscape architecture
    • Activities of agronomists and agricultural economists
    • Organisation of agricultural shows and fairs
    • Research to develop or modify new forms of seeds

Forestry (OGA_FOR)

Presence of forestry work using both the farm labour force and the machinery and equipment of the holding which is generally used for agricultural purposes.

  • 1 - Yes
  • 0 - No


    • Silviculture and other forestry activities (NACE A02.10)
    • Logging (NACE A02.20)

Other gainful activities directly related to the agricultural holding n.e.c. (OGA_AGRHLD)

Presence of other gainful activities directly related to the agricultural holding not elsewhere classified.

  • 1 - Yes
  • 0 - No


    • Use of agricultural holding buildings to store caravans, boats and other objects for part of the year, but for agricultural purposes for the rest of the year
    • Shops where own products are sold
    • Breeding of animals, not covered by IFS and using the resources of the farm (such as cats, dogs or silkworms)

    • Renting land for hunting/fishing and income generation from hunting/fishing (e.g meat production)


    • Landscape maintenance non-agricultural contract work
    • First treatment of farm products (washing, cutting, sorting) (OGA_FPRDPRC)

Importance to the agricultural holding





Percentage of other gainful activities directly related to the agricultural holding on the final output of the agricultural holding


Percentage of other gainful activities directly related to the agricultural holding on the final output of the agricultural holding (PC_OGA_OUT)

The percentage band of the other gainful activities directly related to the agricultural holding in the output of the agricultural holding. The share of the OGA directly related to the agricultural holding in the output of the agricultural holding is estimated as the share of the OGA directly related to the agricultural holding turnover in the sum of total turnover of the agricultural holding and direct payments of that agricultural holding under Regulation (EU) No 13072013 or more recent legislation.


  • (≥ 0  ≤ 10)
  • (> 10  ≤ 50)
  • (> 50  < 100)

Labour input to other gainful activities related to the holding





Holder having other gainful activities (related to the agricultural holding) as main activity



Holder having other gainful activities (related to the agricultural holding) as secondary activity



Holder not having other gainful activities (related to the agricultural holding)



Family members working on the agricultural holding and having other gainful activities (related to the agricultural holding) as their main activity



Family members working on the agricultural holding and having other gainful activities (related to the agricultural holding) as their secondary activity



Non-family labour force regularly working on the agricultural holding and having other gainful activities (related to the agricultural holding) as their main activity



Non-family labour force regularly working on the agricultural holding having other gainful activities (related to the agricultural holding) as their secondary activity



No information on other gainful activities related to the holding is collected if the holding is a legal entity.

Holder having other gainful activities (related to the agricultural holding) as main activity (MOGA_HLD_RH)

The holder of sole holder holdings or holding-groups has other gainful activities directly related to the agricultural holding as main activity


The activities can be carried out on the holding itself (non-farm work on the holding), or outside the holding.

Holder having other gainful activities (related to the agricultural holding) as secondary activity (SOGA_HLD_RH)

The holder of sole holder holdings or holding-groups has other gainful activities directly related to the agricultural holding as secondary activity


The activities can be carried out on the holding itself (non-farm work on the holding), or outside the holding.

Holder not having other gainful activities (related to the agricultural holding) (NOGA_HLD_RH)

The holder of sole holder holdings or holding-groups does not have other gainful activities directly related to the agricultural holding:


Select 1 if the holder does not have other gainful activities directly related to the holding; for all other cases 0 should be selected.

Family members working on the agricultural holding and having other gainful activities (related to the agricultural holding) as their main activity (MOGA_FAM_RH)

Number of family members undertaking other gainful activities directly related to the agricultural holding as their main activity. If relevant, includes the manager who is a member of the holder's family.

Family members working on the agricultural holding and having other gainful activities (related to the agricultural holding) as their secondary activity (SOGA_FAM_RH)

Number of family members undertaking other gainful activities directly related to the agricultural holding as their secondary activity. If relevant, includes the manager who is a member of the holder's family.

Non-family labour force regularly working on the agricultural holding and having other gainful activities (related to the agricultural holding) as their main activity (MOGA_NFAM_RH)

Number of non-family members undertaking other gainful activities directly related to the agricultural holding as their main activity, in sole holder holdings or holding-groups.

Non-family labour force regularly working on the agricultural holding having other gainful activities (related to the agricultural holding) as their secondary activity (SOGA_NFAM_RH)

Number of non-family members undertaking other gainful activities directly related to the agricultural holding as their secondary activity in sole holder holdings or holding-groups.

Labour input to other gainful activities not related to the agricultural holding





The sole holder who is also the manager of the sole holder agricultural holding having other gainful activities (not related to the holding) as main activity



The sole holder who is also the manager of the sole holder agricultural holding having other gainful activities (not related to the holding) as secondary activity



The sole holder who is also the manager of the sole holder agricultural holding not having other gainful activities (not related to the holding)



Family members of sole holders (when the holder is the manager of the agricultural holding), who are working on the agricultural holding and have other gainful activities (not related to the agricultural holding) as their main activity



Family members of sole holders (when the holder is the manager of the agricultural holding), who are working on the agricultural holding and have other gainful activities (not related to the holding) as their secondary activity


Other gainful activities not related to the agricultural holding

Other gainful activities not related to the agricultural holding refer to non-farm work on the agricultural holding and work outside the agricultural holding. This includes every activity carried out for remuneration (salary, wages, profits or other payment, including payment in kind) other than


  • on the agricultural holding (non-farm work on the agricultural holding)
  • out of the agricultural holding


    • A hairdresser on the farm
    • Activities using only human resources from the holding labour force and no other type of resources from the farm
    • Work in the bank
    • Teaching
    • Accountancy


    • Farm work on the holding
    • Other gainful activities of the holder, directly related to the holding|

The sole holder, who is also the manager of the sole holder agricultural holding having other gainful activities (not related to the agricultural holding) as main activity (MOGA_HLD_NRH)

The holder has other gainful activities not directly related to the agricultural holding as main activity:


The activities can be carried out on the holding itself (non-farm work on the holding), or outside the holding.

The sole holder, who is also the manager of the sole holder agricultural holding having other gainful activities (not related to the agricultural holding) as secondary activity (SOGA_HLD_NRH)

The holder has other gainful activities not directly related to the agricultural holding as secondary activity:


The activities can be carried out on the holding itself (non-farm work on the holding), or outside the holding.

The sole holder, who is also the manager of the sole holder agricultural holding not having other gainful activities (not related to the agricultural holding) (NOGA_HLD_NRH)

The holder does not have other gainful activities not directly related to the agricultural holding:


Select 1 if the holder does not have other gainful activities (not related to the holding); for all other cases 0 should be selected.

Family members of sole holders (when the sole holder is the manager of the agricultural holding), who are working on the agricultural holding and have other gainful activities (not related to the agricultural holding) as their main activity (MOGA_FAM_NRH)

Number of family members undertaking other gainful activities not related to the agricultural holding as their main activity. If relevant, includes the holder who is a member of the manager's family. Other gainful activities not related to holding will be recorded only for the family members who undertake a minimum level of either farm work on the holding or of other gainful activities directly related to the holding.

Family members of sole holders (when the sole holder is the manager of the agricultural holding), who are working on the agricultural holding and have other gainful activities (not related to the agricultural holding) as their secondary activity (SOGA_FAM_NRH)

Number of family members undertaking other gainful activities not related to the agricultural holding as their secondary activity. Other gainful activities not related to holding will be recorded only for the family members who undertake a minimum level of either farm work on the holding or of other gainful activities directly related to the holding.
