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  • My Invitation(s)

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 My Invitations(s) is a section under the  Manage my area in the Funding & Tenders Portal where PCoCo/CoCo defined for a call for tenders can view and follow up the invitations to participate in the second step of the two-step procedures, and round 2 /subsequent round(s) of negotiation procedures.

You can also view the submissions that have been made based on these invitations.  You can perform different actions based on the status of the submissions and the deadlines for the call for tenders for which you have participated.

To enter your private area and access the Manage my area section of the Funding & Tenders Portal you need to authenticate yourself by using the Login button of the Funding & Tenders Portal at the top right end of the home page (enter your EU Login and password).

(info) The PCoCo/CoCo can also view the submissions that have been sent for open procedures, first step of the two-step procedures and initial round of negotiated procedures under the My Submissions  section.

Table of Contents

View invitation(s)

You can view your invitations along with their details and status under the  My Invitation(s) section of Manage my area. 

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For each invitation, you will see:

  • the procedure reference number;

  • the lot (if applicable);

  • the deadline;

  • the invitation status (received, acknowledged, closed or accepted for requests for specific contracts);
  • the procedure type as well as the step (two-step procedures) or round (negotiated procedures);
  • the procedure title;

  • the participant name.

Invitation(s) status and actions

The Funding & Tenders Portal allows you to view invitation(s) with the following status:

  • Received: an invitation has been received by the organisation or consortium to participate in the call for tenders;

  • Acknowledged: the PCoCo/CoCo has acknowledged having received the invitation for the call for tenders;
  • Closed: the invitation is closed when the allocated time for submission has expired;

You can perform different actions based on the status of the invitation(s).  You can also view the submissions that have been made based on these invitations and perform different actions based on the status of the submissions and the deadlines for the call for tenders for which you have participated.

The actions that can be performed as per the status of the invitation(s) are described below.

Received status

For invitations in  Received status PCoCo/CoCo can:

  • Acknowledge Receipt
  • Manage Roles    
1With your EU Login, log into the  Funding & Tenders Portal .
2Under Manage my area, click on My Invitation(s)  on the left side of the screen.

Click on the Action  menu and s elect  Acknowledge Receipt:

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This action is a confirmation that you have received the invitation to submit a tender. The status of the Invitation will now change to Acknowledged.

Using the Manage Roles functionality, the PCoCo/CoCo will be able to view and manage the access to the invitations (add/remove persons who will also be able to perform the herein described actions on the invitations). 

Additional Coordinator Contact(s) (CoCo)  can be added or removed in the  Funding & Tenders Portal after the contracting authority:

  • sends the invitations for second step of two-step procedures;
  • opens the initial tenders in case of negotiated procedures and (if applicable) before it invites the tenderer to submit a revised tender:
  • opens the revised tenders in case of negotiated procedures and (if applicable) before it sends the invitations for a subsequent negotiation round.

For request for specific contracts this action can be performed by the PCoCo/CoCo whenever it is required during the workflow.

Detailed explanation on this process are described on the wiki page -  how to add/remove persons who will also be able to perform actions on your submissions .

Acknowledged status

For invitations in Acknowledged  status PCoCo/CoCo can:

  • Start New Submission
  • Manage Roles  
1With your EU Login, log into the  Funding & Tenders Portal .
2Under Manage my area, click on My Invitation(s) o n the left side of the screen.

Click on the Action menu and s elect Start New Submission :


This action enables you to access eSubmission to  submit a tender.

To view and manage the submissions against an invitation, click on the  Submission(s)  link.

The  Action  menu on the right of each submission (unless the submission has been deleted) allows the PCoCo/CoCo to perform different actions depending on the submission status.

For submissions in Draft  status:

  • Edit: eSubmission opens the screen you were in when you left the application. You can now edit your submission in eSubmission.
  • View: eSubmission opens the screen you were in when you left the application. It is not possible to edit the submission as you are viewing it in read-only mode. 
  • Delete: the draft submission will be deleted from the Funding & Tenders Portal.

For submissions in Submitted status:

  • View Receipt: the submission receipt is displayed.
  • Withdraw (available only before the deadline for submission):  provide the reason to withdraw the submission and confirm by clicking on the Withdraw button. Once you have withdrawn a submission, you cannot view, edit or submit it again.

For submissions in Withdrawn status:

  • View Withdrawal Receipt: the withdrawal receipt is displayed.

For submissions in  Deleted  status:

The  Action menu is not available for the tenders with the status Deleted. Once a draft tender has been deleted, it cannot be retrieved by the tenderer. 

The steps that should be taken to perform the actions related to submissions have been explained in detail under the section  Submission status and actions of My Submission(s) wiki page.

Closed status

You can view all the Invitations that are in status closed.

1With your EU Login, log into the  Funding & Tenders Portal .
2Under Manage my area, click on My Invitation(s) on the left side of the screen.

Using the search box on the page you will be able to find all the closed invitation(s).

There are no available actions for closed invitations.