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Where to find it

The link will be available once the methodology is releasedImage AddedFor INTPA Staff: For any methodological questions on the preparation of your evaluation, please contact our helpdesk for advice:

Complementary guides, methodologies and tools

The European Commission (EC), DG DEVCO, Evaluation methodological approach (Previous methodology):

The European Commission (EC), DG INTPA D4 Evaluation in hard to reach areas   

Exact External Wiki:

Capacity4Dev: INTPA/ESS initiatives

Capacity4Dev: Monitoring & Evaluation focal points Image Removed

OPSYS Evaluations: The OPSYS EVAL tool is now integrated into OPSYS, so as of September 2023 and following the issuing of the related instruction note, all new Evaluations will be created and managed in OPSYS EVAL. Image Added

My INTPA: INTPA.D.4 Performance, Results and Evaluation; Internal Communication, Knowledge Management and Collaborative Methods – Evaluation Section

INTPA Academy: search "evaluation" training on Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation for Team Europe Initiatives

EU Learn: search "evaluation"    Training on Managing an Evaluation Process  - Module 6 of the Fundamental Training Package on Intervention Cycle Management (6 Modules)

The European Commission (EC), DG NEAR: Programming, M&E WIKI  

The Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation, Development Assistance Committe (OECD DAC): Evaluation Criteria (revised in 2019)

The European Commission (EC), DG INTPA D4 Evaluation in hard to reach areas   

The European Commission (EC), DG DEVCO, Evaluation methodological approach (Previous methodology):

Capacity4Dev: Monitoring & Evaluation focal points Image Added