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Scenario 1 – Average UAA considering common land units and their land

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Scenario 2 – Average UAA disregarding common land units and their land

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Scenario 3 – Average UAA after allocation of common land from common land units and removal of common land units

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It results that by implementing the proposal of allocating the common land from common land units to agricultural holdings and removing the common land units, the average UAA increases from 33.1 hectares to 34.3 hectares. This increase is not significant. The increase can be significant for the breakdowns, as illustrated in the following two sub-sections.


Scenario 2 – Average UAA disregarding common land units and their land

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Scenario 3 – Average UAA after allocation of common land from common land units and removal of common land units

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Analysis of the average areas by size of agricultural area in different scenarios

Consider that the average areas are disseminated by size of agricultural area. 6 agricultural holdings have the utilised agricultural area of 100 hectares and over.

The same computations as above but now only for the largest size group lead to the following results.

Scenario 1 – Average UAA considering common land units and their land

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Scenario 2 – Average UAA disregarding common land units and their land

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Scenario 3 – Average UAA after allocation of common land from common land units and removal of common land units

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There are two possible ways of disseminating the UAA averages, both of which being correct as long as the meaning of the averages are communicated to the user:
