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1.2 Search, Navigation and General Layout

Economic Operators and (for tenders) or potential candidates/applicants (for calls for proposals for grants) can search for calls for proposals or tenders for EU External Actions from the Search Funding & Tenders (1) page on the portal, or directly from the search function (2) on the main page of the same portal.


On the Search Funding & Tenders page, select the programme "EU External Action (RELEX)" from the left search and filter menu, and use the filter by keyword(s) or other filters to limit the search results.

If you need to limit your results to grants or tenders, select/de-select to option depending on your choice from the left menu.

Click on the title of the call in the filter results to access the call and application or submission details.

Use the top menu of the portal to access other pages, for example:


For more information, follow the detailed instructions on the EU Login Guide, and login or create your EU Login account. If you need help with your EU Login, please contact INTPA SUPPORT SERVICES EC External Relations Application Support (ERAS).

Once you have successfully created your EU Login and/or connected to the portal, access and manage your EU Login account details from the top right Profile Icon > My Account option.
