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The observation status flags for the variables are:

Code value

Code description


Not significant, either:

  • not collected


  • collected under own heading 


Not significant, collected in another heading


Not existent, missing value, data cannot exist

Alternative variable (ALT_VARIABLE)

The variable where the value of a non-significant variable is reported. The variable can be the same as the one reported in VARIABLE (in FSS2016 corresponds to NS1) or another (normally the variable on a hierarchical upper level) from the list of variables (this case would correspond to the reported NS2 in FSS2016).with OBS_STATUS="N" is reported. 

Source (SOURCE)

The source of the information that allows deciding that the variable is non-significant or non-existing. This is a free text field, but the users should strive to harmonise the information provided (same description for the same source).
