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INTPA's monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system comprises several tools, namely internal monitoring, external monitoring and evaluations.

M&E activities and tools should be planned when a new intervention is being formulated, in terms of their specific accountability, management and learning priorities.

M&E aim to provide those entities in charge of implementation of interventions and our organisation with evidence for informed decision-making. As such, they are management, accountability and learning tools throughout the intervention cycle.

By providing evidence of what works and what does not (and under what circumstances), M&E help improve the ways in which we engage with our partners, enhance the impact of our development cooperation, and should be instrumental in better programming of future actions. The benefits of the knowledge generated through M&E extend beyond the commissioning INTPA services, as they are a source of institutional memory now and for the future.
Data from internal monitoring are validated through ROM reviews and contribute to reporting on the EU International Cooperation and Development Results Framework and inform individual evaluations. Evaluations should provide information for programming future interventions (ex ante), managing/correcting ongoing interventions (mid-term) and reporting on results and drawing lessons learned (final and ex post evaluations). The latest EU Results Framework is available here.

Monitoring activities focus on identifying what changes have occurred as a result of our intervention — or what changes we contributed to, together with other stakeholders working on the same issue. Evaluations test and validate these changes but also explain why they occurred. In this way, M&E activities generate knowledge and provide evidence that help improve the way we engage with our partners and enhance the impact of development cooperation.