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    1. Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC);

    2. School Education (Schools):

      1. Pathways to School Success;

      2. Learning for Sustainability;

    3. Higher Education;

    4. Digital Education: Learning, Teaching and Assessment (DELTA);

    5. Equality an Values in Education and Training;

    6. Vocational Education and Training and the Green Transition (VET and Green);

    7. Adult Learning: Opening up Opportunities for All.

Read the Highlights (September-December 2023)

Read the Periodic Report (November 2021-March 2023) and check

Check out the information below to find out more about each of the working Working groups!

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<div class="row row-margin row-920 row-intro">

    <div class="col col-3">
		<a href="/display/EAC/ECEC" class="eac-box-link">
			<div class="wt-intro">
				<h2 style="text-align: center">ECEC</h2>
				<p>Working Group on Early Childhood Education and Care</p>	
	<div class="col col-3">
		<a href="/display/EAC/Schools"  class="eac-box-link">
			<div class="wt-intro">
				<h2 style="text-align: center">Schools</h2>
				<p>Working Group on School Education:</p>
					<li>Pathways to School Success sub-group</li>
					<li>Learning for Sustainability sub-group</li>
	<div class="col col-3">
		<a href="/display/EAC/Higher+Education"  class="eac-box-link">
			<div class="wt-intro">
				<h2 style="text-align: center">Higher Education</h2>
				<p>Working Group on Higher Education</p>

	<div class="col col-3">
		<a href="/display/EAC/DELTA"  class="eac-box-link">
			<div class="wt-intro">
				<h2 style="text-align: center">DELTA</h2>
				<p>Working Group on Digital Education: Learning, Teaching and Assessment</p>

<div class="row row-margin row-920 row-intro">
	<div class="col col-4">
		<a href="/display/EAC/Equality+and+Values"  class="eac-box-link">
			<div class="wt-intro">
				<h2 style="text-align: center">Equality and Values</h2>
				<p>Working Group on Equality and Values in Education and Training</p>
	<div class="col col-4">
		<a href="/display/EAC/VET+and+Green"  class="eac-box-link">
			<div class="wt-intro">
				<h2 style="text-align: center">VET and Green</h2>
				<p>Working Group on Vocational Education and Training, and the Green Transition</p>
	<div class="col col-4">
		<a href="/display/EAC/Adult+Learning"   class="eac-box-link">
			<div class="wt-intro">
				<h2 style="text-align: center">Adult Learning</h2>
				<p>Working Group on Adult Learning: Opening Up Opportunities for All</p>