Below is a list of eLearning videos which offer a quick introduction to key topics related to certain modules. For more detailed information, see the main Welcome page.
Click the links below to see the latest eLearning videos.
To watch in full screen, click on the Full Screen icon or type <F> .
To return to windowed player, click on the Exit Full Screen icon or type <F>.
To change the volume, to mute or unmute, click on the Speaker icon.
Press <M> to mute or unmute sound.
You can select a better resolution for playing back the video on your device depending on internet quality and screen size.
To enable/disable subtitles, click CC or press <C>. A red line is shown under the CC symbol when subtitles are activated.
The default subtitle language is English.
To change subtitles to other languages:
Click Settings and select Subtitles
If subtitles are available for the video, you can select translated subtitles from a list of available subtitles uploaded for the video (default is English), if available
Additionally, it is possible to auto-translate the subtitles to any language.
You can also customise the display of the subtitles.
From the Settings, click on Subtitles/CC. Click on Options. From here you can customise things such as:
The Auto-translated subtitles are based on machine translation, but are in the high end of currently available auto-translators.
It is not possible to download or store/correct the automatic translations.
If a country/NA requires a better translation of the subtitles, they may provide their own translation based on the English text, which can be provided by DG EAC Training Team via a VTT text file.