Upon applying for funding for a KA171-HED - Mobility of higher education students and staff supported by external policy funds project, applicants must define at least one regional partnership, to collaborate with at least one higher education organisation from a third country not associated to the programme. See the list of eligible countries and regions here. Applicants are encouraged to cluster their proposal for regional partnerships, for example by grouping all activities involving countries of the same region, and must provide additional information regarding the planned partnership per region, as well as the planned activities including mobility activity flows to/from these regions. See KA171 Mobility of higher education students and staff supported by external policy funds application for details. After the submission of the application form, the proposal for funding will be assessed, and each regional partnership outlined in the application will be assessed separately. Depending on the outcome of the assessment and further checks of the grant proposal by the National Agency, the regional partnerships may or may not be selected for funding. The National Agency is not under obligation to fund all the mobilities requested for a particular third country not associated to the programme. Regional partnerships and the related organisations approved for funding will be part of the signed grant agreement and the related annexes. See the Erasmus+ Programme guide for additional information. After the grant agreement is signed and the project is available in Beneficiary module, the organisations from third countries participating in the approved regional partnerships will be available in the list of Participating organisations with the role of Partner organisation. Additional organisations in third countries not associated to the programme can only be added in the project if they belong to a country present in the signed grant agreement and its annexes. Details regarding the awarded grant for each approved regional partnership and country can be viewed from the Budget transfers screen, accessible from the Budget section in your project. During the project implementation, it is possible to transfer certain awarded amounts from one country and/or region to another, following specific rules. See the page Budget Transfers in KA171 projects for details.
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