OEET is a web-based application used by experts to record their evaluations of applications and project reports that have been assigned to them by the National Agency (NA) that hired them, by DG EAC or by the EAC Executive Agency.
The term 'project' is used generically throughout the OEET Wiki pages to signify both, applications and project reports.
The three main activities performed in the tool are:
Scenario | Illustration |
Validate the OEET account and LogonOn initial account creation in OEET, an email is sent to the expert explaining how to validate the OEET account. This validation is a one time action. After validation of the OEET account, access to the tool is granted and the expert can login in OEET. To validate the OEET account an EU login is required. If no EU Login account exists, a new one has to be created. | |
Expert AssessmentBefore starting the assessment, experts should familiarise themselves with the tool. On the opening screen of OEET, the expert selects the programme code assigned and opens the respective list of assessments. The list displays only projects assigned for assessing. Generally speaking two experts are assigned to evaluate one project. The experts assess the project(s), recording scores and providing commentaries. Once completed, the assessment result has to be submitted. After submission, the assessment becomes read-only and cannot be modified. If an expert wishes to revise the assessment after submission the NA (DG EAC or EA) has to be contacted. If the proposed changes in the assessment are considered necessary, the assessment will be reopened for a second round of assessing. | |
Assessment ConsolidationConsolidation phase starts once all assessments for a project have been submitted by all the experts and after one of the experts was nominated as consolidator and the other ones as approval expert(s). Projects assigned for consolidation bear the mark CONSOLIDATOR. The assigned consolidator has access to the original assessments of all experts. After consolidation the consolidator declares the consolidation ready to be approved by the other expert(s). | |
Consolidation ApprovalThe approval phase starts once the consolidation for a project was submitted by the consolidator. All the experts who assessed a project are obliged to approve the consolidated assessment before it can be submitted. In the list of assessments allocated in OEET, projects requiring approval bear the Approval label and are highlighted in green. | |
Consolidation submissionThe submission of the consolidation is not possible as long as not all expert(s) approved the consolidation. In the assessment list the project for which the consolidation was approved by all experts is highlighted in green and bears the label Consolidator. The expert that was assigned as consolidator, can now submit the consolidated assessment. After submission, the consolidation can no longer be modified. If the consolidator wishes to revise the assessment after submission, the NA (DG EAC or EA) has to be contacted. If the proposed changes are considered necessary, a second consolidation version is created and the consolidation reopened. | |
Assessment EditingThe purpose of the editing task is to proofread and, where necessary, improve the linguistic quality of the comments of the consolidated assessments. Editing in OEET is done after all the project assessments for a given action have been consolidated. Scores and other parts of the consolidated assessment cannot be modified by the editor, only the comments are editable. An expert that was assigned as editor by the NA will have access to edit the assessment. Once editing is completed, the edited version has to be submitted. |