Access to the Online Expert Evaluation Tool (OEET) is authenticated through EU Login (previously known as ECAS). Experts who already have an EU Login account should use their existing account.
Before any expert can connect to OEET for the first time, the EU Account must be validated for use with OEET. This validation is only required once.
Experts who don't yet have an EU Login account must create one. See EU Login - European Commission Authentication Service for details.
After you were engaged to assess, consolidate and/or edit projects, you will receive an e-mail, informing you to validate your OEET account. This will only happen once, if your OEET account was newly created.
In this e-mail you have clear instructions on how to validate the account. Two options are available:
In the email, click the link to Validate OEET account.
Before you can access the validation screen, you are prompted to login with your EU Login. Follow the instructions on screen.
The EU login account you already have needs to use the same email address as the one registered for OEET. If you have an EU Login registered with a different email than the one in the validation mail for OEET, you have to create a new EU Login with the same email address.
Take note
You will not encounter the EU login page if you were already logged into your EU account during the active browser session.
The OEET account validation screen opens. It displays your first and last name as well as the email address registered for your OEET account.
If the data displayed is correct, click the Validate button.
A confirmation message is displayed after successful validation.
After validation you can logon to OEET via https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/assessment/
Take note
Should you encounter a Security Warning message asking if you only want to view the webpage content that was delivered securely, click the No button to open the OEET webpage.
After successful logon, the project assessment list opens, listing the programme(s) and action(s) that you have been engaged to work on.
Should you see a header with an empty screen, it means you haven't yet been assigned to any programme. In this scenario, please contact the NA that engaged you.
Via the Logout button in the top right hand corner you can leave OEET. Simply closing the browser window will do the same.
If you do not have the EU login account, click the link Create EU Login account and follow the instructions on screen. The page EU Login - European Commission Authentication Service provides detailed information.
After creation of the EU Login, you receive a confirmation email with your username and the link to create your EU Login password.
After creation of your EU login and password, click the Validate OEET Account link in the email.
Note: If you clicked on the validation link in the email message before you created your EU Login account you are redirected to create your EU Login account first. You will be redirected to the OEET validation page after the EU Login is created. Follow the instructions on screen as described above to validate the OEET account. After successful validation you can access OEET.